Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 3, 2017 Sunday #Thoushallnot!

Get Faith
Proverbs &;2003 "Keep My commandments and live, and My teaching as the apple of your eye.  Bind them on your fingers, write them on the tablet of your heart."  It also says to post them on your door frame.  I found some little round magnets with the 10 Commandments on them - perfect if you have a metal door, which I do.  The print in too little for me to read, but I know the 10 Commandments, as most of us do.  Pray for those who don't , their problems pour out of their lives and into ours.

On this day
1967  My fiancee and I went for a ride on this Sunday afternoon.  We stopped at a coffee shop we often went to and sat in the car in the parking lot drinking our coffee.  I don't know how the conversation got started but the subject came up.  I had lost my virginity to rape.  He had questions, a lot of them and after a while I realized he was really mad.  This is another byproduct of what is so much in the news today.  We handled it way different - we didn't discuss it wisely.  It answered some questions he had like, why I didn't want to have sex but the conversation ended with him being angry - at me, I thought.  I felt like he thought it was my fault.  He later said he was afraid to have sex with me and thought he would hurt me again.  Why we got married I'll never know.  Of course it didn't last.  The topic is on the news and is a huge issue these days.  Maybe the world will finally look at this differently and maybe the  rapport between men and women will forever change - to what it should have been back in Eden before sin.

1967 - In Cape Town, South Africa, a team ofSURGEONS headed by Dr. Christian Barnard, performed the first human heart transplant on Louis Washkansky. Washkansky only lived 18 days. It was a start.

Ilulissat Greenland

 IlulissatThe town was the site of the Arctic Ocean Conference in May 2008.[12] The joint meeting between Canada, Denmark, NorwayRussia, and the United States was held to discuss key issues relating to territorial claims in the Arctic (particularly Hans Island and Arktika 2007) and Arctic shrinkage produced by climate change.[13]  It was a start

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John!

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