Saturday, December 9, 2017

December 9, 2017 Saturday#Moveitorloseit!#followingbaaaaa#snow&cookies!#politics

Get Fit
People are surprised at how strong I am.  I can get that for you - is usually me, offering.  I watched Mom lose her strength.  She got to where she couldn't put curlers in her hair or even hold her arms up to reach things.  I watched as she became slower and had a rough time getting out of a chair.  She finally (at (92) lost her ability to stand and walk and ended up in a wheelchair.  It is a natural progression with age that some people accept and others (like myself) fight by getting those weights out on a regular basis and keep moving.  Sitting and being immobile leaves you open to urinary tract infections, heart disease, obesity and all the other age related ailments.  One of Mom's friends from church, Ruth is 97 now and still comes to everything going on at church.  She climbs the stairs, doesn't use the elevator and drives most of the time if no one picks her up.  She is my hero and so I keep lifting weights. I still love my Mom and miss her.

Get Faith
John 10:3-4  "To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.  And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice."  This is a miracle or a mystery to a lot of people.  You would think that sheep could be fooled by an imitation of someone's voice - but they are not fooled.  They know the right person to follow.  "Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd - the shepherd lays down His life for His sheep"  Do you know your savior's voice? His words?  He leads us on the right path of peace and love.  Follow Him.

On this day
1977  History does repeat itself.  The journal said that it snowed and I baked cookies.  Same thing today.  Not much of a surprise here - it is December and Christmas is coming.  Snow and cookies are signs of the season.  I'm less a fan of the snow than ever but I'm warming up to baking those cookies.  What is your plan for the day? 

1625 - The Treaty of the Hague was signed by England and the Netherlands. The agreement was to subsidize Christian IV of Denmark in his campaign in Germany. Politics are still questionable aren't they, we are still left wondering if certain allegiances will benefit the common good of ALL people.  Here is an example of 4 countries working toward a common goal, good or bad?  Read the book.


Full moon,icebergs & colourful houses in Ilulissatby Matt Rosenberg
Since the eighteenth century, Greenland has been a territory controlled by Denmark. In recent years, however, Greenland has regained a considerable level of autonomy from Denmark.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Megan!  

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