Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15, 2017 Friday#Takecare#ThankyouLordJesus#busydays#Whataview!

Get Fit
The holidays are terrible on our health.  We don't take care of ourselves, we don't eat right (Christmas cookies) we stress about being prepared and all the multitude of other things that go on, AND  we come into more germs in a day than we do in a month the rest of the year.  Oh, and there is no time to exercise.  Take a deep breathe today, make a list of those things you have to do, sit down a few minutes and pray - eat a good breakfast!  Good luck!

Get Faith
Romans 6:23  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Your sins are forgiven, you are free from death.  You just need to know that Jesus Christ died on the cross to be sacrificed for your sins and save you for eternity.  Merry Christmas!  Best present ever!

On this day
1986  Mom came over and we went shopping at the Macomb Mall, Toys are Us, Children's Palace and then stopped for groceries at Chatham after that.  Nicole would have been 1 1/2 and loved to shop even then.  When I got home I did laundry.  Mark was selling race video's at the time and some people stopped by that I'm not sure who they were.  See what 31 years can do to your memory?  Does this sound like your days right now?  I was blessed to be home with Nicole for 8 years.  I did work part time (2 days a week) most of those years and was involved with church etc - but my heart goes out to those with babies and toddlers that have to work full time.  This was the year my brother Mark died the day after Thanksgiving, which would have been the month before.  Mom and I were still grieving his loss, and keeping busy.

 1791 - In the U.S., the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, went into effect following ratification by the state of Virginia. Always room for change - it has to happen as time goes along.

Ilulissat Greenland
Hotel Arctic, IlulissatThis is listed as a luxury hotel - I am sure it is the view that gives it this rating!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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