Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29, 2017 Friday #Oldies!#Comforter#Visit#suicide:(

Get Fit
Never thought I'd see Richard and dance to the oldies with him again!  Thanks for the video Nicole!  Doesn't get better than dancing to "Soul Man" first thing in the morning.!!!

Get Faith
John 14:15-17  "If you love me, obey me: and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and He will never leave you.  He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth." I love the Father, the creator and worship that name God.  I thank Jesus for my eternal life and forgiveness and mention His name often.  The Spirit does not get the same attention - although He is with us every minute, in us, with us and holding us up in this life.  Read again that last verse - "He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth."  One of the Holy Trinity, One with God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ - Our God the Holy Spirit with me and you today!

On this day
2006  This day is between the BIG days of the holidays so seldom relevant.  I had to work 1/2 a day because it was a Friday and the last day of the month, I needed to go in and do the bank deposit.  Later in the day Mom and I took Al (neighbor) to dinner for her birthday which was earlier in the month.  It is a great day to visit someone and make their day special (depending on how much they like you)  I'm heading for Pam's today to see her new condo - furnished and lived in.  If you can't visit, call someone - get that call in before the year ends and you missed it again. (see below)

1170 - St. Thomas à Becket, the 40th archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in his own cathedral by four knights acting on Henry II's orders. Knights Templar? Another story to read.

(This is a repost from my 2014 blog but it is still so relevant.)
Parenting - Friends of ours from church that we have been close to were told their brother/son Brandon was found dead in a car in Detroit.  Brandon showed up occasionally for youth group at church when I was on the board and the youth leader.  He went to work camps and Bass Lake and the Gathering.  His brother Adam was a rock solid role model for him leading a good Christian life.  But, Brandon couldn't.  He had a giving loving heart and a great smile and a demon that led him down the wrong road.  "Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died".  I believe that despite his struggles, Brandon had faith and the Lord is with him now.

Ilulissat Greenland 

Rising suicide rate baffles Greenland

When you travel through Greenland, it feels likes you are on the edge of the world.
This vast country around the size of Mexico is largely uninhabited.
The communities that exist are scattered around its mountainous edges. It really is one of the 
most extraordinary places on earth, but beneath its natural beauty lies a secret.
Greenland has the ignominious title of being the suicide capital of the world. On the largest
 island that isn't a continent, and the least densely populated dependent country in the world,
 the government says 1 in 5 people have tried to kill themselves, while other research claims 1 in 4.
The simple white wooden crosses that dot the landscape are a stark reminder that many of those 
people have succeeded.
I suppose people here don't need reminders almost every Greenlander knows someone who has 
taken their own life.

Most of the victims are teenagers, more than half of them boys aged 15 to 19. Inger Bordbar
 is a nurse who has seen many who have ended up in morgues. She is now a suicide prevention 
consultant, and I met her in Ilulissat in Western Greenland where she spent the evening with a group
 of teenage girls and boys.
She showed them a short film in which a man is thinking of committing suicide because his wife and
 son have left him. The teenagers then get to debate what they have seen, a vital tool Inger explains, 
as the Inuit people struggle to express their feelings.  I am not surprised, so cold and isolated.

Enjoy the day Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tia!!

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