Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017 Monday#legworkout#strongJoesph#Christmasprep#God'slights!

Get Fit
Work out those legs a little, we all spend too much time sitting.  I thought yesterday I would rack up steps but in fact I didn't.  I went to two churches and sat for an hour.  When I got home I did a little straightening up and then sat and watched TV and wrote Christmas cards.  It was productive but not for exercise.  So today, I worked out the legs that I didn't use yesterday.  Make yourself promises, or trick yourself into walking - but get moving.  The Christmas calories are happening!

Get Faith
There is not much that is more spiritually lifting than a group of children telling the Christmas story.  I have seen a number and am never bored or tired of seeing them.  Yesterday was a great example.  The readers that told the story and the three angels, three wise men and shepherds that recited the Bible story about their parts were great, always one that is the loudest with the others following.  I loved that Joseph did some arm pumps showing strength while standing up at the manger, he was obviously up to the task of caring for the baby Jesus.  Pastor sat behind me and we shared joy at the high points.  And then there was the cookie walk, who doesn't love the cookie walk?

On this day
1990 - Nicole was 5 so she was in kindergarten and went in the afternoon.  We took advantage of the morning and went to Norm for a haircut and then I took her to school, went back to St Paul's and gave out food baskets then over to Mom's house in Eastpointe to pack my summer clothes in her basement where I kept them.  It is a blessing to have so many clothes you need to store them somewhere for the season.  WE were heading to Florida to Grandma and Grandpa's the day after Christmas.

1787 - New Jersey became the third state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Jeopardy fact!!!

Greenland Christmas


You will be going on a 20-30 minute hike from the old helipad to Holms Bakke. Your guide will tell you stories about the Northern Lights.
Hopefully, the Northern Lights will appear while you stand and gaze out over the Ice Fjord.
On the way, you will get to enjoy some coffee, tea or a so-called ‘Greenlandic coffee’. There will also be hot chocolate for the children. 
  WOW!!!!! Great Christmas lights!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dean P and Dan N!

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