Wednesday, December 27, 2017

December 27, 2017 Wednesday #Critters#Peace#GatheringHMSBeagle#StLucia!

Get Fit
Walked around the house a number of times through the snow and ice cold temps.  Searching for wild life and tracking the steps in the snow.  Real outdoors adventure this morning.  Critters

Get Faith
John 14:27  "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives.  So don't be troubled or afraid."  This restores my faith.  The peace that Jesus gives us in our hearts and soul, it is not earthly.  When we speak of peace on earth, it is not certain or long lasting, it is simply a wish.  The Spirit gives us the type of peace that calms the mind and reminds you that as temporary as this life is - our gift of peace with God is eternal.  His peace to you today.

On this day
2005  A memory of Gathering "..Loaded up Nicole (her) and I to church PU kids Lansing Gathering - Jon Bay , Tessa, Jeff Stein, Steven Serrano, Jackie, Adam  Brandon - Great Gathering!  Taylor Mason, Celia Whitler, Jay "  I think we got to a point where the Gathering was the highlight of our holiday.  Hanging out with hundreds of high school youth, locked into the Holiday Inn in usually cold snowy weather was a lot more fun than you think.  Great memories of God at work.  And He still is.

1831 - Charles Darwin set out on a voyage to the Pacific aboard the HMS Beagle. Darwin's discoveries during the voyage helped him form the basis of his theories on evolution. I thought the HMS Beagle was a kids cartoon show.  Now I know.

Ilulissat Greenland Christmas

Light and joy to all

The Lucia procession is a popular custom in the entire Nordic region, including Greenland. Children dressed in white walk in procession holding a candle while singing the hymn of Saint Lucia. Leading the procession is the so-called Lucia bride who also wears a wreath with four candles on her head. It is a beautiful sight.
The Lucia procession takes place in schools and kindergartens. In Greenland, the children also walk in procession at hospitals and nursing homes so that also those who are not so agile can take part in the experience.
Santa Claus in Greenland and greenlandic woman
Santa Claus in Greenland and greenlandic woman.

Enjoy the day!  make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Pat H & Allison B!!!

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