Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22, 2017 Friday#plank!#LoveGod!#cookiesmakeeverythingbetter!

Get Fit
Get ready, here come the calorie laden, yummy holidays!  I did the daily dozen this morning and was surprised that I could do 2 - 1 full minute planks without much pain.  Keep up your strength and your health will stay better as well! 

Get Faith
John 13:34:  "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  Our God is about - first loving and worshiping him and then loving each other - all each others.  He tells us to care for each other, share and help, love and minister to one another.  He wants all of His children to be loved and cared for - ALL of His children.  Why can't we find time to spend that one hour a week (or more) to be in His presence and love Him back?  He gives us everything, our lives, our loved ones and the life we live and all that we have, you must want to thank him?  Could you bear to be without your home for the week that you forgot to visit Him?  He doesn't do that, take away from you, He loves you too much.  Love Him back!

On this day
2000 - My boss gave out bonus's.  The guys were excited and told be what they got!  I was disappointed, mine was a tenth of what it had been in previous years.  Not sure what that was about, he had a problem with women after his divorce in 1998 and so I made excuses.  He also took away my lease car.  In hindsight I should have left the company but I had a daughter to raise through high school and college and the pay was still good.  He hadn't figured a way to reduce that yet.  I lasted another 12 years there, difficult but doable.  Sounds like I am not appreciative - and I haven't been at times, but most of the time I made excuses and thanked God for a job that provided a living for me.  I got home to Nicole baking Christmas cookies - made it all worthwhile.

1715 - James Stuart, the "Old Pretender", landed at Petershead after his exile in France. I didn't know he was that old!  He looked great in the movies!

Ilulissat Greenland Christmas
Christmas Trees have to be imported, because no trees grow as far north as Greenland. The trees are often imported from Denmark - Greenland has had a long historical connection with Denmark. The trees are decorated with candles, bright ornaments and sometimes small versions of sealskin breeches known as kamiks. Trees are traditionally decorated on the evening of 23rd December. People who don't use an imported tree, might have a traditional driftwood tree decorated with heather.
Another traditional and popular decoration is to put an illuminated star in windows. There are stars in most homes and in all public buildings. Because Greenland is so far north, and within the Arctic Circle, during the winter the sun never rises! (You might get a brief glimpse over the southern mountains, but that's it!) So the stars help to bring some light.
Villages also put a large Christmas Tree on a nearby hill, so everyone can see it. These trees are put up and decorated ready for the start of Advent.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chris L & Ron M

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