Thursday, December 7, 2017

December 7, 2017 Thursday#CreationChristmasandKingsandNagdlunguaq-48

Get Faith
We are studying Genesis at this time.  Learning the stories in Sunday School are much different than studying them as an adult.  Someone questioned who was there at creation to question whether it happened the way the Bible says it did.  We believe that men (Israelites) told and retold and wrote down the stories that have passed down to become the Bible.  It is the most interesting book you can study I believe.  In questioning the "truth" of the stories I mentioned that I always believed that God, when He still walked the earth and talked with Adam, Noah, etc - would as any father would, shared these stories with them and I believe they are the truth.  There are many theories and very interesting concepts.  You should read it - with a Pastor or Theologian so they can tell you what they have learned.

On this day
1975  It was back in the days when you could afford a box of Christmas cards and the postage to mail them.  It is quickly getting to be a decision of whether you want to send out those cards or eat.  This day in 1975 was a Sunday and I went Christmas shopping, baked Zucchini bread and wrote cards out.  Pete had gone to his parents earlier in the day to fix their car and then was home in time for dinner.  I wish I wrote down what TV programs we were watching in those days. 

1431 - In Paris, Henry VI of England was crowned King of France. I really need to read my history, the King of England became the King of France? 

Ilulissat Greenland


The town is home to Nagdlunguaq-48 who play in the Greenlandic Men's Football Championship, Greenland's top soccer competition. Nagdlunguaq-48, who play all their league games in Nuuk, have won the championship ten times (as of 2016). 

The Greenlandic Football Championship (GreenlandicAngutit Inersimasut GMDanishGrønlandsmesterskab i fodbold), known as the Coca-Cola GM for sponsorship reasons, is the premier football competition in Greenland. It was established in 1954 and since 1971, it has been organised by the Football Association of Greenland.
Due to the geography of Greenland, the championship typically has three phases. The first phase consists of matches between clubs from the same town, the second consists clubs that are geographically close to each other (local phase). The winners of this phase play in the national championship. The latest winner of the championship is Inuit Timersoqatigiiffiat-79, winning the trophy in 2017Here's a little more on the subject.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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