Sunday, December 17, 2017

December 17, 2017 Sunday#Run!#skGodtohelp#ToysrUs!#Francethefriend#littlesurprises!

Get Fit
I did today.  I went to church with Nicole and then made it back home to see the childrens' program at First English and help with the cookie sale.  You could say I was on a run - you could.

Get Faith
John 16:24  "Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow."  Pastor Krister talked about doing the work of the Lord, for the Lord, work like healing or helping the blind see.  Jesus did not necessarily mean health and sight.  You can reach out to someone to heal their non belief or a person who is blind to see faith.  If you have a question about this, ask God and he will give you the words to use - more than you need.  And it will make YOU happy.  Ask.

On this day
1988  It was a Monday and I had worked at Quality.  I have many memories of that company and the wonderful/interesting people I worked with.  During this time I was working strictly for the family insurance.  I was lucky to have that option.  When I got home I (and maybe Mark) went shopping to Toy R Us.   Aaron would have been 11 and Nicole 3 - big reasons to go to a toy store.  My basket was full and as I got closer to the cashier I began looking for my checkbook.  I was not using credit cards then.  I realized I did not have my checks with me and had to leave my treasures behind.  I think they held the basket while I ran home - I only remember that horrible feeling of not accomplishing that single - so important task.  Oh the joy of the holidays.

1777 - France recognized American independence. Thank you France!

Ululissat Greenland
Greenland in DecemberChristmas in Greenland
Greenland's Christmas traditions are unique, right down to the fact that Christmas trees have to be imported because it's too cold in Greenland for them! 
In Greenland, local Christmas customs are similar to those of the Kingdom of Denmark because of their political affiliation. Trees are decorated and adorned with candles, paper heart, paper flowers and more trees Chuck, but also Greenland and Danish flags and with little surprises.
Gifts are placed underneath the tree.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Devon!

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