Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 14, 2017 Thursday #Checkups#humility#HOAChristmasparty#Mankiller?Icebergparadise!

Get Fit
Sometime the best way to stay healthy is to get those check ups.  I had to go get a needle biopsy on my right breast today, it seems there is a little something they wanted to check.  Glad I had it done and got an excuse to not have to shovel the 6" of snow outside.   Be careful if you do shovel!

Get Faith
James 4:6  "But He gives more grace, Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."  I do believe I have managed to control my pride, somewhat.  I know if someone called me out on anything, years ago, my back went up ready for battle.  I have tried to learn the grace of nodding and acknowledging the other person's opinion, but it does not come easily.  Humility is best served with a spoonful of sugar and a smile.

On this day
1985  Aaron was 6 years old and had joined a bowling league by us so Mark picked him up on Friday and brought him home.  So this Saturday was busy, with bowling in the morning and then the neighborhood home owners assn Christmas party at the school in the afternoon.  Nicole was only 7 months old and not crazy about Santa but as long as her brother had her - all was good.  They did those parties for years,too bad they don't anymore.  The played music and had the kids (40 - 60 kids) sing the Christmas songs, eat pizza and then stand in line to see Santa, get a coloring book and candy cane and play with the other kids.  They were a lot of fun!

1985 - Wilma Mankiller became the first woman to lead a major American Indian tribe as she formally took office as principal chief of the Cherokee Nation of OKlahoma. Her name is somewhat forboding!

Ulilussat Greenland


In Ilulissat, not one moment passes that you forget your proximity to the dynamic sculpture gallery of icebergs just outside town. Even when you close your eyes, the icebergs’ soundtrack of cracking and rumbling echoes from one end of Ilulissat to the other.
There is no wrong way to experience icebergs, but just as one needs two eyes for accurate perception, you need multiple adventures to understand the icebergs in Ilulissat. It is only after you have marveled at their chiseled shapes from the air, felt tiny while sailing past them on boat tours, and smelled their sweet scent while hiking along the UNESCO World Heritage Site that you can grasp the full character of Ilulissat’s icebergs.  Well when you put it that way!!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Michelle, Melanie and Dan!!

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