Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018 Monday#muscles#answeredprayers#brotherMark#Licinius#StLuke.

Get Fit
I work out with 5 lb weights when it is the main objective.  I leave them out to remind me and try to do a few reps later in the day as well.  After working in the yard yesterday I realized that some of those arm and back muscles need some strengthening!  Do what you can!!!  soup cans work too for beginners!

Get Faith
1 Chronicles 16:34  "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever."  When I pray for help I know the Father will hear me and help me find avenues that lead to what I need.  I have had many doors open lately and am opening them one at a time.  I do give thanks to the Lord, He is soooo good to me.  Ask and you shall be answered. (Often it is not what you want but what you need that you get. Remember the Rolling Stones song?  You don't always get what you want - but if you try sometime-- you get what you need.?  I hope they meant this in a good way.)

On this day
1986  I was working at Quality Picture Frame once or twice a week to pay for our family health insurance.  As much as I hated to be away from my soon to be 1 year old baby it was a gift to someone else in my family.  My Mom and brother Mark came to spend the day with her.  My brother Mark was thrilled to have this child in his life, I will always remember the joy on his face when he saw her.  It was truly a blessing to him and I thank God for that time he had with her.  It is funny, but very often she makes a face, or says something, or likes something and it reminds me of him.  He passed away at 29 later that year.

0313 - Licinius unified the whole of the eastern empire under his own rule. Was a Roman emperor from 308 to 324.  He was a friend to Constantine and the Christians at that time.  

This is one of those places I feel like I could spend more time in, but we move on.  Take another look at Montenegro if you get a chance.

This is the church of St Luke!  Take a look - great place to end our visit here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adam!!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 29, 2018 Sunday #sunshineandfreshiar#Truth#adoptateen#walkingtour!

Get Fit
Time to get back into those nice long walks and enjoy some sunshine.  Those are two of the best gifts God can give you - fresh air and sunshine!  Soak that stuff up!

Get Faith
Psalm 100:5  "For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures to all generations."  Funny how this ties into what I heard a man say on TV this morning.  He said that someone asked him when the Bible was going to move into the 20th century.  The man answered you obviously have not read the Bible (kindly).  The word of God is everlasting and applies to all ages at all times.  Can you imagine changing this, the oldest book, the best selling book of all time to fit the ways of the world now?  Lol.  The man answered him also saying,  this generation of people need to read the Bible and find out what the truth for all generations says to them.

On this day
1985  Nicole was 1 year old and I was blessed to have both of my Moms close by, but I also had a pre teen neighbor girl that loved to come over and play and coddle Nicole so I could get housework done, etc.  Carol was with us on many trips and at home with me a lot.  Extra arms is what you need at that time.  When we went on vacation or to boat races she also was young enough to enjoy Aaron's company in the pool or on the beach.  Adopt a teen program - it should catch on.

1985 - Billy Martin was brought back, for the fourth time, to the position of manager for the New York YankeesI actually remember this. huh.

Montenegro Sightseeing

This is a walking tour of Kotor called the city walls walk.
This walking city tour of the Old Town of Kotor gives you a great introduction to this UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you are staying in Kotor for couple of hours only, it is providing a wealth of information in a short period of time. If you are staying several days in Kotor, Perast, Tivat, Herceg Novi or other places around the Boka Bay, it is a good starting point in your exploration of the region. Explore Kotor city with local guides and learn about its history, architecture, culture and cuisine.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 28, 2018 Saturday#Don'tfall#Compassion#LaDeDa#Dubrovnikdaytrip!

Get Fit
Worked out with squats, sit ups, arms all with a resistant ring.  My major concern is that I don't lose my strength so I can keep up a long healthy, ABLE lifestyle.  Strengthening your muscles can make falls less damaging as well.  When you are doing leg lifts and balancing it will help to avoid falls in the first place.  Stay motivated!!!

Get Faith
Psalm 145:8-9  "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  The Lord is good to all, he has compassion on all he has made."  We are so blessed to have a Father in heaven that looks at us as perfect children of his, much like you look at your own children.  We know they have flaws but that is not what we look at and it is the same with God.  He does have compassion on all He has made and we should follow His example.  Be compassionate today.

On this day
1984  This is an especially good memory.  We were on our honeymoon, at what first brought Mark and I together -- boat racing.  The race didn't go to well for us but it didn't stop us from having a fantastic dinner at LA DE DA restaurant on Key West.  There must of been 20 of us at a long table beside the pool in the gardens with dinner on the Kaisers.  The food was out of this world, but the service of the waiters is what I remember.  They were the most engaging, fun men I have ever been served by.  A very memorable night, with wonderful friends in a perfect location.  Not sure if it is still there, I don't think so - but I will never forget it!

1282 - Villagers in Palermo led a revolt against French rule in Sicily. Must be why it is now part of Italy.

  • Explore the scenic Montenegro coast on a full-day tour from Dubrovnik
  • Leave the navigation to your guide, who also provides historical context
  • See more of Montenegro in one day than if traveling on your own
Let's take a day trip!!!  Only here two more days!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sarah, Julia and Josh!!

Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27, 2018 Friday #Jillian#Thetruestory#poetry#takecareofyourself#losttheirway.

Get Fit
I let Jillian beat me up this morning.  I did as much as I could but watched the whole thing, does that count?  I wanted to see if there were some easier ones toward the end and there were, but I was too tired at that point to do them.  Maybe I will start in the middle next time.

Get Faith
The Gospel of Luke chapter 2.  Sue at church suggested maybe I could write a Christmas play for the children this year and it came to me the other day and I wrote it.  It is based only on the birth in Bethlehem and what the birth of this child means to us and doesn't go into an imagined barn scene with many animals or mention the three wise men.  I intend it to be used as a message of evangelism for the parents as well as the children learning the real Bible text.

 I also heard from a publication this morning that wants to print the poem I sent them.  It is a gift from God that I am only realizing now as a great vehicle to share more writing, for God of course.

On this day
1983  It says that I had bronchitis and went to the doctor for a shot and lost time from work.  It was common for me to get sick this time of year.  At this age in my life and looking back at the pattern I have come to a few conclusions.  First of all - don't smoke.  I did and now have had lung cancer and COPD.  Because of smoking, not eating right, allergies and the wild life, I was actually sick a lot when I was younger.  So, take my advice and take better care of yourself in case you live a long time and want to be healthy for it.  You can thank me.

1983 - Nolan Ryan (Houston Astros) broke a 55-year-old major league baseball record when he struck out his 3,509th batter of his career.   Tis the season!!

There is much anti Christian practice, superstition, paganism and occultism. People will claim to be Serbian or Montenegrin Orthodox believers and will at the same time go to fortune tellers and psychic healers. Ostrog, the most famous monastery in Montenegro claims to have a piece of the original cross, and the monastery in Cetinje claims to have a body part of John the Baptist-people will go on pilgrimages to view these relics thinking that they are earning merit. Many people will not work on imagined "Saints' Days" but disregard the 4th commandment to "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" by doing all kinds of unnecessary work and completely failing to worship God, thus truly showing that their traditions have made void the Word of God (Matt. 15:6 . . .And {thus} you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition.)
Many people were raised during the period of communism and have not heard of the Gospel.

ostrog monasteryThis would be a great place to worship!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Taylor and Tim!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

April 26, 2018 Thursday# kafuifitness#OneGod#probationhelp#Churchastray.

Get Fit
Add More Stability To Your Life | Stabilization Exercises - Kafui Fitness
Add these exercises to your workouts   Try it!!!

Get Faith
We are studying Exodus right now in our Bible Study.  We all know the story - the Egyptians had enslaved the Israelite people for 430 years and along comes Moses (sent by God - somewhat unwillingly) to answer God's call to "let my people go!!!"  Have you seen the movie The Ten Commandments?  I'm sure you have.  There is a lot more to this story than meets the eye!  There are more plagues than the movie showed for one thing and I found out today that the things destroyed by the plagues were things that represented the many gods that the Egyptians worshiped.  So much for their ineffective gods, I say.  They should have picked the right horse in the first place.  Great book.

On this day
1982  This was a year for resettling and social duty.  Ty had moved in with me after separating from his wife.  We did a little celebrating on this day as his divorce became final.  He might have celebrated more than I did.  I had to go meet a gal that I had from the probation dept.  She was a handful and I couldn't drink with her - in fact I had to check her for alcohol before she got in my car.  We went to Friendly's for ice cream and a chat.

1982 - The British announced that Argentina had surrendered on South Georgia. You can look this up for more information!


Religious belief in Montenegro

The Serbian and Montenegrin Orthodox churches (two different denominations) claim to be the religion of the people but this claim is a farce and and a tragedy.
Orthodox churchThe example in Niksic is instructive: The population of the city of Niksic is around 70,000. Around 60% of the population would claim to be "Orthodox." Yet there one main Serbian Orthodox church and a handful of small chapels that regularly hold services, and on any given Lord's Day there will only be around 400 people that attend the whole service in Niksic, and perhaps only 1,000 country-wide out of a population of 677,000. Many who claim to be Montenegrin or Serbian Orthodox have no idea what the Montenegrin or Serbian Orthodox church teaches and have never even been inside a Montenegrin or Serbian Orthodox church building.
This is a sad bit of information for us Christians, I will print more of this tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday to Shelly!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018 Wednesday #perfect34B's#Godisthesource#planneddays#Chongzhen#WHOinMontenegro

Get Fit
I preferred my 34 B's of long ago.  They looked better in clothes and didn't get in your way.  After children most people go up a few sizes and then age adds on some weight.  I, personally can do without.  There is a site that offers exercises for this problem:   See if that helps you, I'm going to.

Get Faith
Psalm 25:9  "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way."  If you are wondering how you can tap into this information get it via the Bible or contact a Pastor or Priest - whatever you prefer.  Very often we need a guide to lead us to the source of our knowledge - God. 

On this day
1981  I have always been a very organized, systematic - OCD personality.  I have a plan for every day of the week.  This day was a Saturday.  When I worked and was alone I cleaned house on Saturdays.  When I had a few people living with me - we cleaned on Tuesday after work.  After house work on this day I contacted the carpenter that was rebuilding my house after 1/2 of it burned down earlier, called my ex boyfriend's Mother Tatjiana, that I dearly loved and then got a call from my other ex husband Don.  It often surprises me how much I can accomplish in a day. Still.  How about you?  Do you plan your day or wait for it to happen on it's own?

1644 - The Ming Chongzhen emperor committed suicide by hanging himself. I sense a story hereand feel like this happens for historic reasons.



The WHO Country Office, Montenegro was established in April 2008 in Podgorica. The Office is the focal point for WHO activities and consists of two staff members. The role of the Office is to respond to requests to support policy-making for sustainable health development by providing guidance, building up local relationships to implement technical cooperation, making standards and agreements, and ensuring that public health measures are coordinated and in place during crises. In 2012, the United Nations Secretary-General paid his first official visit.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 24, 2018 Tuesday #applejuice#What?#homewithparents#transportinMontenegro

Get Fit

Apple juice is a healthy drink, but keep in mind that having too much of something can turn into a bad thing.

#applejuice #juce #health
  1. Apple juice is a good provider of antioxidant
  2. It can help decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  3. It helps keep your liver healthy
  4. Apple juice can enhance your immune system
  5. It can help keep your body hydrated
  6. Apple juice can help protect your lungs and heart
  7. Apple juice can provide protection against neurological disease
  8. It can help reduce your waistline
Go to:  for more info.

Get Faith
Psalm 27:11  "Tell me what to do, O Lord..."  Do you sometimes feel like you would like God to just give you the answer?  Me too.  He didn't create us to be mindless, but to act and do the right thing and remember who gave us that ability.  Look at all the other animals on this earth.  How do you explain the simplicity of their lives and the commanding presence of humans on earth?  We don't always use what the Lord gave us wisely.  Make today be the catapult for YOU deciding what the Lord would tell you to do.

On this day
1980  I worked at Quality, billing all day and then went home and had a quiet evening with my Mom and step dad, Bob.  What is unusual is that they were staying in this house that I live in now while they waited for their house to start being built and Mom retiring.  They sold their beautiful house in Royal Oak and moved in with me for a short while.  My lifestyle was not conducive to living with them - I was VERY social and they were home bodies.  Bob did a lot of helpful work around the house for me and I appreciated it.  Maybe why I spent the evening home with them.  He went up to Gaylord where their house was being built as soon as there was a roof over the house and helped in the building.  Mom stayed on with me.  It wasn't the last time she lived here.

1519 - Envoys of Montezuma II attended the first Easter mass in Central America. 

April 24 1980
Hostage rescue mission ends in disaster
An ill-fated military operation to rescue the 52 American hostages held in Tehran ends with eight U.S. servicemen dead and no hostages rescued.With the Iran Hostage Crisis stretching into its sixth month and all diplomatic appeals to the Iranian government ending in failure
The second one is the reason we all need to celebrate EAster!



The Montenegrin road infrastructure is not yet at Western European standards. Despite an extensive road network, no roads are built to full motorwaystandards. Construction of new motorways is considered a national priority, as they are important for uniform regional economic development and the development of Montenegro as an attractive tourist destination.
Current European routes that pass through Montenegro are E65 and E80.
The backbone of the Montenegrin rail network is the Belgrade – Bar railway. This railway intersects with Nikšić – Tirana (Albania) at Podgorica; however, it is not used for passenger service.
Montenegro has two international airports, Podgorica Airport and Tivat Airport. The two airports served 1.1 million passengers in 2008. Montenegro Airlines is the flag carrier of Montenegro.
The Port of Bar is Montenegro's main seaport. Initially built in 1906, the port was almost completely destroyed during World War II, with reconstruction beginning in 1950. Today, it is equipped to handle over 5 million tons of cargo annually, though the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the size of the Montenegrin industrial sector has resulted in the port operating at a loss and well below capacity for several years. The reconstruction of the Belgrade-Bar railway and the proposed Belgrade-Bar motorway are expected to bring the port back up to capacity.  I, personally would not like to ride the train over that bridge anyway!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy and Skip!

Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018 Monday #catstretch#makemestrong#redecorate!!!#SidVicious#Economy

Get Fit
It was a busy weekend and I missed my AM yoga, so I started today with that.  Just like a cat, it is so good to stretch, bend and move first thing to get those muscles awake and moving.

Get Faith
Psalm 29:11  "He will give his people strength,  He will bless them with peace."  It is hard to believe this when you don't feel well or especially a debilitating illness.  But afterward when you are back on your feet, you realize, He did pull you through - gave you strength and the peace that feeling well brings.  Our God is awesome in caring for us and rewarding us with a future life with him when we leave this place.  My hope IS in the Lord.

On this day
1978  My brother Mark and I painted the living room, here in the house where I still live.  I can't tell you how many times it has been painted since, 40 years later.  I do know that the bathroom needs to be painted - soon.  It actually needs a complete make over, but not happening any time soon.  Have you lived in a house for quite a few years?  The first time you paint your new house it is a feeling of ownership, then a few times after that maybe you just need a change or some damage has occurred.  I am at the point of oh dang, I gotta paint the bathroom again.  I have lost my enthusiasm for home decor.  Where is my brother Mark when I need him?  I wonder if you have to redecorate in Heaven?

1978 - Sid Vicious filmed his rendition of Paul Anka's "My Way" for the Sex Pistols' film "The Great Rock n' Roll Swindle." Wow!  that sounds like an interesting thing to You Tube.



Roads of Montenegro in service and two planned: red - Bar–Boljare highway , blue - Adriatic–Ionian motorway
Montenegro uses the Euro as its national currency.
The economy of Montenegro is mostly service-based and is in late transition to a market economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, the nominal GDP of Montenegro was $4.114 billion in 2009. The GDP PPP for 2009 was $6.590 billion, or $10,527 per capita.[51] According to Eurostat data, the Montenegrin GDP per capita stood at 41% of the EU average in 2010.[52] The Central Bank of Montenegro is not part of the euro system but the country is "euroised", using the euro unilaterally as its currency.
GDP grew at 10.7% in 2007 and 7.5% in 2008.[51] The country entered a recession in 2008 as a part of the global recession, with GDP contracting by 4%. However, Montenegro remained a target for foreign investment, the only country in the Balkans to increase its amount of direct foreign investment.[53] The country exited the recession in mid-2010, with GDP growth at around 0.5%.[54] However, the significant dependence of the Montenegrin economy on foreign direct investment leaves it susceptible to external shocks and a high export/import trade deficit.
In 2007, the service sector made up 72.4% of GDP, with industry and agriculture making up the rest at 17.6% and 10%, respectively.[55] There are 50,000 farming households in Montenegro that rely on agriculture to fill the family budget.[56]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle and Morgan!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 19, 2018 Thursday #chairyoga#Godisgood#TheSting#mountainsandcoastallimestone!

Get Fit
‪Chair Yoga teacher training N CA +Sivananda Yoga Farm +Sivananda Yoga Farm May 4-6 #chairyoga #yoga
  I've heard this is excellent!

Get Faith
Proverbs 11:18  "He who sow righteousness reaps a sure reward.  I am living proof that you get what you give.  When I reach out to help someone else, it always comes back to me.  It isn't that I do it in hopes that I will get something out of it - that isn't how it works.  God sees our good works and blesses us.  The opposing argument to this is - he who looks for trouble finds it..

On this day
1974  My friends Chris and Steve and I went to the show and saw "The Sting".  That was a great movie, especially the music.  Sorry if I planted that in your head now.

1539 - Emperor Charles V reached a truce with German Protestants at Frankfurt, Germany. Back in the days of Martin Luther - sorry, its a Lutheran thing.

Internationally, Montenegro borders CroatiaBosnia and HerzegovinaSerbiaKosovo,[a] and Albania. It lies between latitudes 41° and 44°N, and longitudes 18° and 21°E.
Montenegro ranges from high peaks along its borders with Serbia, Kosovo,[a] and Albania, a segment of the Karst of the western Balkan Peninsula, to a narrow coastal plain that is only 1.5 to 6 kilometres (1 to 4 miles) wide. The plain stops abruptly in the north, where Mount Lovćen and Mount Orjen plunge into the inlet of the Bay of Kotor.
Montenegro's large Karst region lies generally at elevations of 1,000 metres (3,280 ft) above sea level; some parts, however, rise to 2,000 m (6,560 ft), such as Mount Orjen (1,894 m or 6,214 ft), the highest massif among the coastal limestone ranges. The Zeta River valley, at an elevation of 500 m (1,600 ft), is the lowest segment.
The mountains of Montenegro include some of the most rugged terrain in Europe, averaging more than 2,000 metres (6,600 feet) in elevation. One of the country's notable peaks is Bobotov Kukin the Durmitor mountains, which reaches a height of 2,522 m (8,274 ft). Owing to the hyperhumid climate on their western sides, the Montenegrin mountain ranges were among the most ice-eroded parts of the Balkan Peninsula during the last glacial period.  Beautiful country!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sherry, Robin and Kayla!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018 Tuesday #Umph!#Iamblessed#Roscommon!#BobotovKuk

Get Fit
You really can do anything if you put your mind, back and confidence into it.  This Pilates workout with the stretch band is just Pilates really, but uses resistance for an extra umph.  I can't say I finished with them but I gave it a good start!

Get Faith
Psalm 13:4-6  "But I will always trust in you and in your mercy and shall rejoice in your salvation.  I will sing to the Lord because he has blessed me so richly."  He has blessed me soooo richly.  I thank God today for Kristin who will be marrying my daughter next year.  Kristin restores my faith and is a sign to me that God will always look after my Nicole.  I will let Kristin do the singing to the Lord, it will be more pleasant to Him.

On this day
2017  Last year it was the Monday after Easter and my brother was down from Roscommon to spend time with his family, especially his new grandson Hudson.  We went back out to Lindsey's house for the day.  I tried to find an urgent care for Andy but he ran out of patience before I found one - so I just continued bandaging his wound on his arm which did start showing signs of improvement.  The weather was much nicer last year  than this year.  Today I am driving up to Roscommon to see Andy and Alice in the snow.  Spring where art thou?????

1492 - Christopher Columbus signed a contract with Spain to find a passage to Asia and the Indies.  I suppose this was necessary to get funding for the expedition.

Another beautiful country!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16, 2018 Monday #dontbeonFHV#humanity#beproductive#HorrayforMontenegro!

Get Fit
It is one of those days that reminds you of your age.  Little kids will look at the icey driveway as a call to slide!!  Older kids - same, while goofing off.  Adults will walk gingerly and if they lose their balance will get up with caution.  The elderly or disabled will preferably stay in the house.  A spring ice storm, literally separates the boys from the men.  I realized that my exercising was benefiting me years ago when I had a couple of head over heels - flip and falls and got up thinking I'M OK!  Tell yourself to make the best decision for you today. (wear appropriate footwear)

Get Faith
Psalm 111:4  "He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful."  You only need to look at the world around you to see the wonders of God's hands.  His miracles and great works are listed in the Bible for those of us who hang on His every word.  I am reborn in his love everyday, my hope is in the Lord and I celebrate His mercy.  I personally love the faces of the world, there is such beauty there.  With the exception of twins, no two alike and even in twins you will find differences.  Enjoy the world around you that God has given us to enjoy and remember to thank Him for it.

On this day
2016  I was working on my second book.  I enjoy writing but it is time consuming and I have that kind of time right now.  I was side railed by writing a children's musical, skits and now a Chrismas program.  On this day in 2016 it was 70 degrees - not today, lucky to see 40.  You never know what the day will bring but I bet you can find something productive to do! 

0556 - Pelagius I began his reign as Catholic Pope. This was the very early church, he only lasted 5 years till his death - bet that's an interesting story!


Euro-Atlantic integration in the 21st century[edit]

Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković with NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenbergin Washington D.C. after Montenegro's accession to the alliance on 5 June 2017.
On 12 July 2011, the Parliament of Montenegro passed the Law on the Status of the Descendants of the Petrović Njegoš Dynasty that rehabilitated the Royal House of Montenegro and recognized limited symbolic roles within the constitutional framework of the republic.
In 2015, the investigative journalists' network OCCRP named Montenegro's long-time President and Prime Minister Milo Đukanović 'Person of the Year in Organized Crime'.[27] The extent of Đukanović's corruption led to street demonstrations and calls for his removal.[28][29]
In October 2016, for the day of the parliamentary election, a coup d'état was prepared by a group of persons that included leaders of the Montenegrin opposition, Serbian nationals and Russian agents; the coup was prevented.[30] In 2017, fourteen people, including two Russian nationals and two Montenegrin opposition leaders, Andrija Mandić and Milan Knežević, were indicted for their alleged roles in the coup attempt on charges such as "preparing a conspiracy against the constitutional order and the security of Montenegro" and an "attempted terrorist act."[31]
In June 2017, Montenegro formally became a member of NATO, an eventuality that had been supported and opposed by approximately same share of the country′s population[32] and had triggered a promise of retaliatory actions on the part of Russia′s government.[33][34][35]
Since 2012, Montenegro is in negotiations with the EU. The view to acceding by 2022[36] was revised to 2025.[37]  Well here is an update on the situation and it looks promising!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ron, Charna,Rebecca,&Ann!