Friday, April 6, 2018

April 6, 2018 Friday#Kingdomcome#memories#nocupid#Prince-Bishopric!

Get Faith
Matthew 6:25-34  ...."But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all thee things will be added to you."   We worry about having enough to live on, clothes to wear and food to eat and it gets worse.  We want enough to vacation and enjoy the better things in life.  God wants you to have the things you need, He just doesn't want you to make them a higher priority then your position in the kingdom.  You are His first and you should put Him first as well.

On this day
2003 - Very often the sad thing about keeping a journal IS remembering those we have lost.  Mom was still living in her apartment and came over for dinner.  Our old friend Marty,  that lived here for 7 years came over for dinner as well, to celebrate his birthday.  I'm glad for these memories of times we spent together to enjoy moments.  A birthday cake is always reason for a party.

1199 - English King Richard I was killed by an arrow at the siege of the castle of Chaluz in France. Imagine the celebration of the arrow shooter to realize he had killed the English King!  


Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro and fights against the Ottomans[edit]

Montenegrin refugees during Montenegrin-Turkish war
Large portions fell under the control of the Ottoman Empire from 1496 to 1878. In the 16th century, Montenegro developed a unique form of autonomy within the Ottoman Empire permitting Montenegrin clans freedom from certain restrictions. Nevertheless, the Montenegrins were disgruntled with Ottoman rule, and in the 17th century, raised numerous rebellions, which culminated in the defeat of the Ottomans in the Great Turkish War at the end of that century.
Montenegrin military strategy was simple but effective: if the Ottomans came with 5,000 soldiers, the Montenegrins were able to withstand the force; if the Ottomans mustered more than the Montenegrins could withstand, the Montenegrins would burn everything, retreat deeper into the mountains, and let the enemy starve.
Montenegro consisted of territories controlled by warlike clans. Most clans had a chieftain (knez), who was not permitted to assume the title unless he proved to be as worthy a leader as his predecessor. The great assembly of Montenegrin clans (Zbor) was held every year on 12 July in Cetinje, and any adult clansman could take part.[citation needed]

Parts of the territory were controlled by Republic of Venice and the First French Empire and Austria-Hungary, its successors. In 1515, Montenegro became a theocracy led by the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, which flourished after the Petrović-Njegoš of Cetinje became the traditional prince-bishops (whose title was "Vladika of Montenegro"). However, the Venetian Republic introduced governors who meddled in Montenegrin politics. The republic was succeeded by the Austrian Empire in 1797, and the governors were abolished by Prince-Bishop Petar II in 1832. His predecessor Petar I contributed to the unification of Montenegro with the Highlands.[citation neededQuite an interesting history.  I can't remember the last time someone
 told me they were of Montenegrin heritage, how about you?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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