Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 14, 2018 Saturday #Tryityoulllikeit!#lobster#limestone!

Get Fit
Do I need to tell you it's Saturday?  Yep AM yoga.  Love it!!

Get Faith
Psalm 34:8  "Oh,  taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man (or woman) who trusts in Him!."  Try it!  Did your Mom or Dad tell you when you were a kid - "just try it, you might like it"?  Well I'm pretty sure you will like the results of trying God.  His goodness and mercy, the joy and comfort of being with Him is too good a treat to pass up.  God is so good!

On this day
2011  Oh a sweet memory of a great vacation.  Don and I drove his truck down to Florida.  We stayed with family and friends, on this day we were at my cousin Kathy's place in Palm Beach.  We stopped at a place that had bathing suits, mine was so old and I bought a new one, that was the last time I bought a swimsuit.  (Might be time for another).   Then we went to the beach.  Oh, how I wish I was there now - I'm sure Don does too.  We are getting freezing rain and possible snow here today.  We went to a place called Miller's Alehouse for lobster (whole) and then went to the Tiki bar on the inter coastal.  Like I said, I so wish I were there!  How about you Don?

1775 - The first abolitionist society in U.S. was organized in Philadelphia with Ben Franklin as president. 
The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, the first American society dedicated to the cause of abolition, is founded in Philadelphia on this day in 1775. The society changes its name to the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage in 1784.  Good ole Ben!!!

So by sheer luck I caught a program on TV this morning that was all about our location.  It showed wonderful video of the city of Kopca?  The limestone streets and buildings and the terraced growing fields edged in limestone was beautiful.  Their history is a little shady though I am seeing.  If you can check out a video to see the beautiful country side you will see why they go to war over it.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Nancy W.

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