Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018 Wednesday #Push!#Rejoice#jelloeggs#communism

Get Fit
It was an aha moment.  I did 45 minutes of Pilates this morning, reaching further than I have in a long time.  I am still able to do the exercises in full, not resorting to the lesser strenuous positions so I'm feeling good about that. I have just gotten lazy, I blame the long winter.   Surprise yourself and go a little further today - push yourself!  You can do it!

Get Faith
Psalm 118:24  "This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it."  One day at a time if you (like me) are going through a tough spell.  I think the trying times bring you to better results in what you need to do.   Do what you can and know that the Lord is with us - to help us get by the problems, find answers and support us to the end.  Rejoice in everyday but start with this one.

On this day
2009 Was the Saturday before Easter and I was making all the necessary preparations.  I make jello eggs every year.  I love them - a chunk of egg shaped jello you can hold in your hand and bite, the kids always loved them.  This year I was taking them to Kristin's Aunts house but came down with  a cold and stayed home - but the 60 jello eggs went, minus the few I saved for myself.  We also dyed eggs this day and I made baskets for everyone including my neighbors.  Mom felt bad I worked so hard and after a trip to Dressbarn she bought pizza for our dinner.  I miss my mom.

1689 - William III and Mary II were crowned as joint sovereigns of Britain. Didn't know this could be.


Fighters who remained under arms fractured into two groups. Most of them went on to join the Yugoslav Partisans, consisting of communists and those inclined towards active resistance; these included Arso JovanovićSava KovačevićSvetozar Vukmanović-TempoMilovan ĐilasPeko DapčevićVlado DapčevićVeljko Vlahović, and Blažo Jovanović. Those loyal to the Karađorđević dynasty and opposing communism went on to become Chetniks, and turned to collaboration with Italians against the Partisans.
War broke out between Partisans and Chetniks during the first half of 1942. Pressured by Italians and Chetniks, the core of the Montenegrin Partisans went to Serbia and Bosnia, where they joined with other Yugoslav Partisans. Fighting between Partisans and Chetniks continued through the war. Chetniks with Italian backing controlled most of the country from mid-1942 to April 1943. Montenegrin Chetniks received the status of "anti-communist militia" and received weapons, ammunition, food rations, and money from Italy. Most of them were moved to Mostar, where they fought in the Battle of Neretva against the Partisans, but were dealt a heavy defeat.
During the German operation Schwartz against the Partisans in May and June 1943, Germans disarmed large number of Chetniks without fighting, as they feared they would turn against them in case of an Allied invasion of the Balkans. After the capitulation of Italy in September 1943, Partisans managed to take hold of most of Montenegro for a brief time, but Montenegro was soon occupied by German forces, and fierce fighting continued during late 1943 and entire 1944. Montenegro was liberated by the Partisans in December 1944.  This compared to what I see on most countries is fairly recent history.  I feel like that part of our earth is in constant turmoil.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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