Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018 # Reprint from 2015

Get Fit!
Started my week with yoga.  I need more yoga and meditating, that will be my next drive.

1 Samuel 23:1-5  this is not a well known story, but it is about one of the many, many times that David prayed to God.  Did David ever say, "it's not that important, I don't need God's help", or "I won't bother God with this He has more important things to think about".  I don't know, but maybe he did, I know I do.  David did pray here and God delivered victory into his hands.  Don't forget to pray even to remembering  to stop and pick up that prescription or whatever on the way home.  God likes to hear from you.

On this day;
1987  This isn't big news but I started thinking about this.  My husband Mark bought us a new television.  How many TV's have you bought over the years?  Who's decision was it to buy a new one?  I kept TV's until they just died, then I reluctantly went out and bought another.  It is different with guys (mostly).  They have to have the biggest flat screen that the furniture or wall will hold.  Am I right?  Who made the decision to buy your last TV and how big is it?  Does it have anything to do with the quality of the programing?  Don't start an argument over it, please.

1999 - Jack Kervorkian was sentenced in Pontiac, MI, to 10 to 25 years in prison for the second-degree murder of Thomas Youk. Youk's assisted suicide was videotaped and shown on "60 Minutes" in 1998. This is the reason I'm not excited about TV

I always cry at weddings and baptisms.  Our Sunday School Director had her little girl Zeralda baptized yesterday.  The Pastor looked like he was just going to keep holding her through the rest of the service.  She was absolutely angelic.  Those of us that practice faith are moved by the importance and intensity of baptism.  I weep too for the lack of interest people show for this important sacrament of the church.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
     Especially, when we moved to Maceday Lake out in Pontiac, I remembered again.  Maybe I was six years old when Mom and Dad left me for a sleep over at Randy’s house.  He had twin beds in his room and his mom let us have graham crackers and milk in bed before we went to sleep.  I layed down and discovered I had a bed full of cracker crumbs.  Randy and I laughed.  He had a soft brown teddy bear that he slept with and I had a doll named Buster.  My mom had bought it for my brother Donny, but they wouldn’t let him have it at the hospital where he stayed.  Mom told me to take care of it for him and I did.  Randy and I played with our toys and finally fell asleep.

Kalkaska Michigan

Further reading

  • Jobst, Jack. "Gone Fishin', " Michigan History Magazine, November/December 1995.
  • Hemingway, E. The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. Simon and Schuster, 1998. ISBN 0-684-84332-3.  This might be some interesting reading.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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