Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27, 2018 Friday #Jillian#Thetruestory#poetry#takecareofyourself#losttheirway.

Get Fit
I let Jillian beat me up this morning.  I did as much as I could but watched the whole thing, does that count?  I wanted to see if there were some easier ones toward the end and there were, but I was too tired at that point to do them.  Maybe I will start in the middle next time.

Get Faith
The Gospel of Luke chapter 2.  Sue at church suggested maybe I could write a Christmas play for the children this year and it came to me the other day and I wrote it.  It is based only on the birth in Bethlehem and what the birth of this child means to us and doesn't go into an imagined barn scene with many animals or mention the three wise men.  I intend it to be used as a message of evangelism for the parents as well as the children learning the real Bible text.

 I also heard from a publication this morning that wants to print the poem I sent them.  It is a gift from God that I am only realizing now as a great vehicle to share more writing, for God of course.

On this day
1983  It says that I had bronchitis and went to the doctor for a shot and lost time from work.  It was common for me to get sick this time of year.  At this age in my life and looking back at the pattern I have come to a few conclusions.  First of all - don't smoke.  I did and now have had lung cancer and COPD.  Because of smoking, not eating right, allergies and the wild life, I was actually sick a lot when I was younger.  So, take my advice and take better care of yourself in case you live a long time and want to be healthy for it.  You can thank me.

1983 - Nolan Ryan (Houston Astros) broke a 55-year-old major league baseball record when he struck out his 3,509th batter of his career.   Tis the season!!

There is much anti Christian practice, superstition, paganism and occultism. People will claim to be Serbian or Montenegrin Orthodox believers and will at the same time go to fortune tellers and psychic healers. Ostrog, the most famous monastery in Montenegro claims to have a piece of the original cross, and the monastery in Cetinje claims to have a body part of John the Baptist-people will go on pilgrimages to view these relics thinking that they are earning merit. Many people will not work on imagined "Saints' Days" but disregard the 4th commandment to "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" by doing all kinds of unnecessary work and completely failing to worship God, thus truly showing that their traditions have made void the Word of God (Matt. 15:6 . . .And {thus} you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition.)
Many people were raised during the period of communism and have not heard of the Gospel.

ostrog monasteryThis would be a great place to worship!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Taylor and Tim!!!

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