Thursday, April 26, 2018

April 26, 2018 Thursday# kafuifitness#OneGod#probationhelp#Churchastray.

Get Fit
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Get Faith
We are studying Exodus right now in our Bible Study.  We all know the story - the Egyptians had enslaved the Israelite people for 430 years and along comes Moses (sent by God - somewhat unwillingly) to answer God's call to "let my people go!!!"  Have you seen the movie The Ten Commandments?  I'm sure you have.  There is a lot more to this story than meets the eye!  There are more plagues than the movie showed for one thing and I found out today that the things destroyed by the plagues were things that represented the many gods that the Egyptians worshiped.  So much for their ineffective gods, I say.  They should have picked the right horse in the first place.  Great book.

On this day
1982  This was a year for resettling and social duty.  Ty had moved in with me after separating from his wife.  We did a little celebrating on this day as his divorce became final.  He might have celebrated more than I did.  I had to go meet a gal that I had from the probation dept.  She was a handful and I couldn't drink with her - in fact I had to check her for alcohol before she got in my car.  We went to Friendly's for ice cream and a chat.

1982 - The British announced that Argentina had surrendered on South Georgia. You can look this up for more information!


Religious belief in Montenegro

The Serbian and Montenegrin Orthodox churches (two different denominations) claim to be the religion of the people but this claim is a farce and and a tragedy.
Orthodox churchThe example in Niksic is instructive: The population of the city of Niksic is around 70,000. Around 60% of the population would claim to be "Orthodox." Yet there one main Serbian Orthodox church and a handful of small chapels that regularly hold services, and on any given Lord's Day there will only be around 400 people that attend the whole service in Niksic, and perhaps only 1,000 country-wide out of a population of 677,000. Many who claim to be Montenegrin or Serbian Orthodox have no idea what the Montenegrin or Serbian Orthodox church teaches and have never even been inside a Montenegrin or Serbian Orthodox church building.
This is a sad bit of information for us Christians, I will print more of this tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday to Shelly!!!

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