Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2, 2018 Monday #Aches#nolimits#notan#RepublicofMontenegro!

Get Fit
Well I feel like crap from this cold but I am a firm believer that you have to keep moving if you are able.  I worked out with weights this morning, mostly arms but leg squats and lunges too.  Now I can get back in the recliner and watch TV all day. 

Get Faith
Psalm 36:5-6  "Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.  Your righteousness is like the might mountains, your justice like the great deep."  The study write says "Jesus loves us beyond limits, beyond circumstances, beyond understanding."  The Bible uses these phrases over and over to have us understand that no matter how far you go, or sink or try to escape, Jesus will always know where you are and welcomes you back with open arms.  There is no limit to God's love for us.

On this day
1998   After work I stopped at the tanning booth.  I did this on occasion because at this time of year I am a grey white for not being out in the sun for so long.  I would tan before a trip to Florida so that I would have a little base for putting on that swimsuit.  Now we know that it is extremely unhealthy for your skin - of course.  I am at an age where I'm fine with being greyish white but I am looking forward to some warm weather when I can soak up some D, how about you?

1998 - Rob Pilatus (Milli Vanilli) died in a hotel room in Frankfurt, Germany. He must have been pretty young! 


After the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992, the republics of Serbia and Montenegro together established a federation as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, although its status as the legal successor to Yugoslavia was opposed by other former republics and denied by the United Nations; in 2003, it renamed itself Serbia and Montenegro. On the basis of an independence referendum held on 21 May 2006, Montenegro declared independence on 3 June of that year. It was officially named Republic of Montenegro until 22 October 2007.
Classified by the World Bank as an upper middle-income country, Montenegro is a member of the UNNATO, the World Trade Organization, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Council of Europe and the Central European Free Trade Agreement, and a founding member of the Union for the Mediterraneansounds like an upscale community.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Claire and Carol!!!

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