Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018 Monday #catstretch#makemestrong#redecorate!!!#SidVicious#Economy

Get Fit
It was a busy weekend and I missed my AM yoga, so I started today with that.  Just like a cat, it is so good to stretch, bend and move first thing to get those muscles awake and moving.

Get Faith
Psalm 29:11  "He will give his people strength,  He will bless them with peace."  It is hard to believe this when you don't feel well or especially a debilitating illness.  But afterward when you are back on your feet, you realize, He did pull you through - gave you strength and the peace that feeling well brings.  Our God is awesome in caring for us and rewarding us with a future life with him when we leave this place.  My hope IS in the Lord.

On this day
1978  My brother Mark and I painted the living room, here in the house where I still live.  I can't tell you how many times it has been painted since, 40 years later.  I do know that the bathroom needs to be painted - soon.  It actually needs a complete make over, but not happening any time soon.  Have you lived in a house for quite a few years?  The first time you paint your new house it is a feeling of ownership, then a few times after that maybe you just need a change or some damage has occurred.  I am at the point of oh dang, I gotta paint the bathroom again.  I have lost my enthusiasm for home decor.  Where is my brother Mark when I need him?  I wonder if you have to redecorate in Heaven?

1978 - Sid Vicious filmed his rendition of Paul Anka's "My Way" for the Sex Pistols' film "The Great Rock n' Roll Swindle." Wow!  that sounds like an interesting thing to You Tube.



Roads of Montenegro in service and two planned: red - Bar–Boljare highway , blue - Adriatic–Ionian motorway
Montenegro uses the Euro as its national currency.
The economy of Montenegro is mostly service-based and is in late transition to a market economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, the nominal GDP of Montenegro was $4.114 billion in 2009. The GDP PPP for 2009 was $6.590 billion, or $10,527 per capita.[51] According to Eurostat data, the Montenegrin GDP per capita stood at 41% of the EU average in 2010.[52] The Central Bank of Montenegro is not part of the euro system but the country is "euroised", using the euro unilaterally as its currency.
GDP grew at 10.7% in 2007 and 7.5% in 2008.[51] The country entered a recession in 2008 as a part of the global recession, with GDP contracting by 4%. However, Montenegro remained a target for foreign investment, the only country in the Balkans to increase its amount of direct foreign investment.[53] The country exited the recession in mid-2010, with GDP growth at around 0.5%.[54] However, the significant dependence of the Montenegrin economy on foreign direct investment leaves it susceptible to external shocks and a high export/import trade deficit.
In 2007, the service sector made up 72.4% of GDP, with industry and agriculture making up the rest at 17.6% and 10%, respectively.[55] There are 50,000 farming households in Montenegro that rely on agriculture to fill the family budget.[56]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle and Morgan!

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