Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018 Monday#muscles#answeredprayers#brotherMark#Licinius#StLuke.

Get Fit
I work out with 5 lb weights when it is the main objective.  I leave them out to remind me and try to do a few reps later in the day as well.  After working in the yard yesterday I realized that some of those arm and back muscles need some strengthening!  Do what you can!!!  soup cans work too for beginners!

Get Faith
1 Chronicles 16:34  "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever."  When I pray for help I know the Father will hear me and help me find avenues that lead to what I need.  I have had many doors open lately and am opening them one at a time.  I do give thanks to the Lord, He is soooo good to me.  Ask and you shall be answered. (Often it is not what you want but what you need that you get. Remember the Rolling Stones song?  You don't always get what you want - but if you try sometime-- you get what you need.?  I hope they meant this in a good way.)

On this day
1986  I was working at Quality Picture Frame once or twice a week to pay for our family health insurance.  As much as I hated to be away from my soon to be 1 year old baby it was a gift to someone else in my family.  My Mom and brother Mark came to spend the day with her.  My brother Mark was thrilled to have this child in his life, I will always remember the joy on his face when he saw her.  It was truly a blessing to him and I thank God for that time he had with her.  It is funny, but very often she makes a face, or says something, or likes something and it reminds me of him.  He passed away at 29 later that year.

0313 - Licinius unified the whole of the eastern empire under his own rule. Was a Roman emperor from 308 to 324.  He was a friend to Constantine and the Christians at that time.  

This is one of those places I feel like I could spend more time in, but we move on.  Take another look at Montenegro if you get a chance.

This is the church of St Luke!  Take a look - great place to end our visit here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adam!!

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