Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 8, 2018 Sunday #Triune#RIPPope#BalkanWars!

Get Faith
2 Timothy 4:22  "The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, Grace be with you. Amen."  Jesus blew into his disciples to give them the Holy Spirit.  If it seems confusing that our Triune God is The Father, Son and Holy Spirit - one but all separate, we are incapable of figuring it out.  You just must let the breathe of Christ enter you and accept that you are part of the kingdom.  God's grace is an amazing gift of this life in God's kingdom.  Loved and kept by our God.

On this day
2005  Was a Friday.  It was the Pope's funeral.  Now, I'm not Catholic so I can't really tell you which one, I guessing Pope Paul.  But as you know it was what we watched on TV and rightly so.  But I have to say you wouldn't have to watch it on all channels if the Bishop of the world Lutheran Church died.   As I said, I didn't mind. 

1789 - The U.S. House of Representatives held its first meeting. Wonder if it was friendly.


Kingdom of Montenegro (1910–1918)[edit]

King Nicholas I with his wife, sons, daughters, grandchildren and sons- and daughters-in-law
Cover of the Italian weekly La Tribuna Illustrata from 1919, titled "Fighting near Podgoricabetween Montenegrin army and Serbian rebels"
In 1910, Montenegro became a kingdom, and as a result of the Balkan wars in 1912 and 1913 (in which the Ottomans lost all Balkan land), a common border with Serbia was established, with Shkodër being awarded to a newly created Albania, though the current capital city of Montenegro, Podgorica, was the old border of Albania and Yugoslavia.
Montenegro was among the Allied Powers during World War I (1914–18). From 1916 to October 1918, Montenegro was occupied by Austria-Hungary. During the occupation, King Nicholas fled the country and a government-in-exile was set up in Bordeaux.

Current "old" history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Monna!

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