Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 10, 2018 Tuesday #Keepmoving!#blessedassurance#uprising!

Get Fit
Worked out with the resistance bands - legs and arms.  They came with a sheet of suggested moves and I add a few I already know.  After watching a video of a woman in the UK who was 105 and still exercises, drives and gets around - I want to be her.

Get Faith
Hebrews 13:5  "(Jesus said.)  "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  This is a good verse for me to take today.  One of my old bosses old buddy and I have kept in touch - I should have known when I didn't hear from him in a couple weeks.  He is 87 and I saw a post from his family last night that he is in hospice.  I replied that it must have been sudden and asked where he is.  I'm taking a beer over to the hospital to have a last one with him.  I will remind him of the above verse, he will expect it of me.  They said he isn't too responsive, but that's ok, he will know I'm there. (Before I finished this I got word from the family that he passed quietly this morning.  I will still have the beer for him.)

On this day
2008  was a Thursday and a regular day, work - home dinner with Mom.  I packed up, it said.  I was going out to Marine City to care for another of my bosses buddies - Bob, who was blind from macular degeneration and had liver cancer.  The last day I went to see him he was comatose but I washed his face and shaved him, sat on the bed with his cat, dog and grandchildren on top of him and we played games.  I read him his Catholic missive and prayed with him and listened to his Irish music.  Before I left I said goodbye and assured him his wife was waiting for him.  He passed a half hour after I left.  Sometimes we just need closure.

1790 - The U.S. patent system was established when U.S. President George Washington signed the Patent Act of 1790 into law.  I wonder what happened that this came to be.?


World War II[edit]

Captured ships of the Yugoslavian NavyBay of Kotor 1941.
Uprising in Montenegro 1944.
In April 1941, Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, and other Axis allies attacked and occupied the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Italian forces occupied Montenegro and established it as a puppet Kingdom of Montenegro.
In May, the Montenegrin branch of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia started preparations for an uprising planned for mid-July. The Communist Party and its Youth League organised 6,000 of its members into detachments prepared for guerrilla warfare. The first armed uprising in Nazi-occupied Europe happened on 13 July 1941 in Montenegro.[18]
Unexpectedly, the uprising took hold, and by 20 July, 32,000 men and women had joined the fight. Except for the coast and major towns (Podgorica, Cetinje, Pljevlja, and Nikšić), which were besieged, Montenegro was mostly liberated. In a month of fighting, the Italian army suffered 5,000 dead, wounded, and captured. The uprising lasted until mid-August, when it was suppressed by a counter-offensive of 67,000 Italian troops brought in from Albania. Faced with new and overwhelming Italian forces, many of the fighters laid down their arms and returned home. Nevertheless, intense guerrilla fighting lasted until December.
Did you know this?  Look at the ships Yugoslavia had!  This just prior to my birth.  I need to study history!  Montenegro indeed.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bart!!!!

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