Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018 Tuesday #Umph!#Iamblessed#Roscommon!#BobotovKuk

Get Fit
You really can do anything if you put your mind, back and confidence into it.  This Pilates workout with the stretch band is just Pilates really, but uses resistance for an extra umph.  I can't say I finished with them but I gave it a good start!

Get Faith
Psalm 13:4-6  "But I will always trust in you and in your mercy and shall rejoice in your salvation.  I will sing to the Lord because he has blessed me so richly."  He has blessed me soooo richly.  I thank God today for Kristin who will be marrying my daughter next year.  Kristin restores my faith and is a sign to me that God will always look after my Nicole.  I will let Kristin do the singing to the Lord, it will be more pleasant to Him.

On this day
2017  Last year it was the Monday after Easter and my brother was down from Roscommon to spend time with his family, especially his new grandson Hudson.  We went back out to Lindsey's house for the day.  I tried to find an urgent care for Andy but he ran out of patience before I found one - so I just continued bandaging his wound on his arm which did start showing signs of improvement.  The weather was much nicer last year  than this year.  Today I am driving up to Roscommon to see Andy and Alice in the snow.  Spring where art thou?????

1492 - Christopher Columbus signed a contract with Spain to find a passage to Asia and the Indies.  I suppose this was necessary to get funding for the expedition.

Another beautiful country!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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