Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018 Wednesday #perfect34B's#Godisthesource#planneddays#Chongzhen#WHOinMontenegro

Get Fit
I preferred my 34 B's of long ago.  They looked better in clothes and didn't get in your way.  After children most people go up a few sizes and then age adds on some weight.  I, personally can do without.  There is a site that offers exercises for this problem:   See if that helps you, I'm going to.

Get Faith
Psalm 25:9  "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way."  If you are wondering how you can tap into this information get it via the Bible or contact a Pastor or Priest - whatever you prefer.  Very often we need a guide to lead us to the source of our knowledge - God. 

On this day
1981  I have always been a very organized, systematic - OCD personality.  I have a plan for every day of the week.  This day was a Saturday.  When I worked and was alone I cleaned house on Saturdays.  When I had a few people living with me - we cleaned on Tuesday after work.  After house work on this day I contacted the carpenter that was rebuilding my house after 1/2 of it burned down earlier, called my ex boyfriend's Mother Tatjiana, that I dearly loved and then got a call from my other ex husband Don.  It often surprises me how much I can accomplish in a day. Still.  How about you?  Do you plan your day or wait for it to happen on it's own?

1644 - The Ming Chongzhen emperor committed suicide by hanging himself. I sense a story hereand feel like this happens for historic reasons.



The WHO Country Office, Montenegro was established in April 2008 in Podgorica. The Office is the focal point for WHO activities and consists of two staff members. The role of the Office is to respond to requests to support policy-making for sustainable health development by providing guidance, building up local relationships to implement technical cooperation, making standards and agreements, and ensuring that public health measures are coordinated and in place during crises. In 2012, the United Nations Secretary-General paid his first official visit.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue!!

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