Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 12, 2018 Thursday #Jointpain#IAM#uncommonfriends#TitoandNixon!

Get Fit
#If you are facing the problem of joint pain then you must check this
#What is joint pain?
Joint inflammation is an irritation of the joints. It can influence one joint or various joints. There are in excess of 100 distinct sorts of joint pain, with various causes and treatment strategies. Two of the most widely recognized composes are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid joint pain (RA). Look for results to your doctor and what ever resources you can find. This looks interesting. My doctor has given me a shot every few months that has helped mine tremendously. Look to natural cures whenever you can.

Get Faith
My Thursday morning Bible Study is exceptional. We are doing a short study of Exodus to finish the Spring semester. Short but intense, this is a big game changer in history. Today what interested me was this Exodus 3:14 "God said to Moses, I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelite's: I AM has sent me to you." We have assigned many names to our God, I AM being one of them. Pastor explained that our God is way too immense, too omnipresent, too everything, to have "A" name. I like the name given to Him by a lady I knew from church a while back. She said His name is Andy - you know from the hymn "Andy walks with me Andy talks with me and He tells me I am his own." Whatever you refer to Him as - call on Him often, he misses you.

On this day
2010 A friend of mine from my travelers group asked me if I would look in and help her mom out once in a while. Of course I said yes, and so I met Josephine. A wonderful woman, my moms age who liked to get her hair done and go out to lunch occasionally. It was a great friendship until my mom had some health issues that needed my attention. I really enjoyed Josephine's company, she could talk on many subjects and was a no nonsense lady that had led a full life raising her family of very bright children. I hope there is a National Coney Island in heaven - she loved a good coney.

1606 - England adopted the original Union Jack as its flag.
 Great Britain In case you didn't know what it looked like and wondered.

Montenegro within Socialist Yugoslavia[edit]

Montenegro, like the rest of Yugoslavia, was liberated by the Yugoslav Partisans in 1944.
Montenegro became one of the six constituent republics of the communist Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). Its capital became Podgorica, renamed Titograd in honour of President Josip Broz Tito. After the war, the infrastructure of Yugoslavia was rebuilt, industrialization began, and the University of Montenegro was established. Greater autonomy was established until the Socialist Republic of Montenegro ratified a new constitution in 1974.[citation needed]
josip Broz Tito was the leader of SFR Yugoslavia from 1944 to 1980; Pictured: Tito with the US president Richard Nixon in the White House, 1971

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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