Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 11, 2015 Sunday

A Day of rest.

Pastor Krister delivered the sermon on Jesus's baptism by John.  His children's message included the same note that baptism is the door into life with Christ.  He said that is why many churches have the baptism font by the front door - it is the entrance.  He also asked if we knew the date of our birth into Christ's kingdom.  I do not know my baptism date so I asked my mother who was sitting next to me, she didn't know either.  Then Pastor asked if we all still had our baptism candle and if we didn't to ask him and he would provide one.  I asked Mom again, and again she said no.  My candle burned out a long time ago.  Don't let yours burn out.  Celebrate your baptism.

On this day;
2010 - Working for a family owned business can be tough.  I had worked there 17 years and found that throwing your hat in the door to see if they were shooting first thing, was a good idea.  The other 3 sons, brother in law, and a lot of other employees had already escaped with their sanity, and I was close to losing mine.  When the father and son couldn't sit down and hash out the problems they were having with each other, I became the scapegoat as I was next in line.  The family that had moved on called and offered me condolences and even a job at their company.  I was loyal to the old man and stuck it out until he stuck me.  Everyone has a job horror story, but when you have to get meds and go to therapy it is time to quit.  On this day, I couldn't force myself to go into work, so I didn't, I stayed in bed and then went to the doctor for some medicine for my nerves.

1569 - England's first state lottery was held Wow, didn't know this started that early anywhere.

Parenting - Now I have to talk about a man that raised 4 sons to be in constant competition with each other.  The one thing they all agreed on was the old man was a *#/! +>  The last son left at the business was just exactly like the father, think Asperger's Syndrome, that type of personality.  The one that escaped was the daughter, she got an education and was a teacher.  When I took the boss to the hospital, convinced he was having a heart attack, I called the one son and he said in a non committal tone  "ok someone will get over there" click.  He had triple by-pass surgery.  What kept them in any type of relationship was the fathers vast estate.  So sad.  I'd rather by poor.Sorry if I'm venting - this day's journal reading really hit me - again.

Ha Bhuton - Here is a happier place!

Political reform and modernization[edit]

Further information: Law of Bhutan and Constitution of Bhutan
Bhutan's political system has recently changed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. King Jigme Singye Wangchuck transferred most of his administrative powers to the Council of Cabinet Ministers and allowing for impeachment of the King by a two-thirds majority of the National Assembly.[35]
In 1999, the government lifted a ban on television and the Internet, making Bhutan one of the last countries to introduce television. In his speech, the King said that television was a critical step to the modernisation of Bhutan as well as a major contributor to the country's Gross National Happiness (Bhutan is the only country to measure happiness),[36] but warned that the "misuse" of television could erode traditional Bhutanese values.[37]
A new constitution was presented in early 2005. In December 2005, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck announced that he would abdicate the throne in his son's favor in 2008. On 14 December 2006, he announced that he would be abdicating immediately. This was followed by the first national parliamentary elections in December 2007 and March 2008.
On 6 November 2008, 28-year-old Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, eldest son of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, was crowned King.[38]   Wow only country to measure happiness!  Can't imagine what our happiness is at here in the USA.  What's your best guess?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable

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