Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23, 2015 Friday

Got up late, but am going to the Auto Show so I will get some walking in. 

Philippians  chapter 3 - It is so much harder to forgive ourselves.  God has forgiven you through Jesus Christ - completely.  Now you just have to believe it yourself, and act on it as a mature faithful Christian. "Forgetting those things which are behind.... I press toward the goal." 3:13-14

On this day;
2004 - Nicole came home from Albion and packed up for Michiluca for winter camp with church.  She has always loved the camps and the activity that went with that.  The camaraderie, the trip, the sleeping bags, the toboggan run, the deep snow, the Bible Studies, games....I could go on.  This might have been the year they were snowboarding on the hill - I did not go this year.  Now she can plan camps!

1907 - Charles Curtis, of Kansas, began serving in the United States Senate. He was the first American Indian to become a U.S. Senator. He resigned in March of 1929 to become U.S. President Herbert Hoover’s Vice President. interesting!

Parenting - Last night a group of us fed the homeless at a local church.  Two of the men were father and son.  Most of the men looked like anyone you might know.  Only a few looked like they were really homeless.  I get a deep feeling of satisfaction doing these programs, talking to people over dinner and making them feel like they are just part of community. 

Bhutan - Social aid

Health care system[edit]

A Basic Health Unit in Phobjika Valley, Wangdue Phodrang District.
The Ministry of Health has provided universal health care in Bhutan since the 1970s. Health care infrastructure and services are planned and developed through Five Year Plans (FYP) of the Ministry of Health.[6] The first democratically appointed Health Minister, Lyonpo Tandin Wangchuk, is the head of the Ministry of Health. .[7]
Two major pieces of Bhutanese legislation establish a framework for personnel and medicines. The Medical and Health Council Act of 2002 incorporates the Medical and Health Council as a legal entity to regulate medical schools, courses, and professional credentials.[8] The Medicines Act of 2003 establishes the Bhutan Medicines Board and Drugs Technical Advisory Committee. The Act authorizes several subsidiary organizations, including the Bhutanese Drug Regulatory Authority, Drug Testing Laboratory, and teams of Drug Inspectors. These agencies have rulemaking and law enforcement authority on drugs, medicines, and even price controls, but must operate within the laws of Bhutan.[9] Both pieces of legislation contain offenses germane to their subject matter, supplementing the Penal Code.[8]:VIII[9]:IX 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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