Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16, 2015 Friday

Pilates  C'mon try Pilates you will like it.

Isaiah chapter 55  Invitation to the thirsty.  God sends water to his planet to feed and nourish and His word to us for the same purpose.

On this day;
1979 - I started taking guitar lessons at the Adult Ed classes at East Detroit high school.  There were maybe 20 people in the class.  Pete had bought me a guitar (acoustical) for Christmas because I kept saying I would like to learn how to play.  I think I took 3 classes and enjoyed playing a lot, but I guess it didn't stick.  If you have been thinking of learning an instrument, try it now - piano or whatever.  Maybe an art class suits you  better.  I did play for my own entertainment for a long time but you haven't seen my name on any marquis'. 

1979 - The Shah of Iran and his family fled Iran for Egypt. While I strummed.......

Parenting - Now my daughter did take some lessons, but the difference is, she is a natural, like my brother.  She can pick up the guitar and pick up a song by listening.  Encourage your kids to play an instrument.  I have heard that it increases their learning ability and their physical agility.  A kind of right side/left side brain exercise because you have to use both hands.  Not sure about drums, spare yourself.  The bonus is she plays her guitar for God's good - double bonus!

Bhuton - Ha 

Adventure Trekking Tours

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." - John Muir
trekking tours, trekking vacations, Peru trekking, Inca Trail trekking, Nepal trekkingA Boundless Journeys trekking adventure will completely immerse you in the beauty of off-the-beaten-track, natural destinations. We experience the rewards of relying on ourselves to hike through hidden valleys, over mountain passes, and into unfrequented areas that are rarely visited by foreigners. But trekking in Peru, Nepal, Bhutan, and elsewhere with Boundless Journeys doesn't mean roughing it – these hikes away from the crowds of normal tourist routes are fully supported by porters, pack animals, high-tech camping gear, and expert chefs. I like the part about cares will drop of like autumn leaves!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Cheryl!

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