Friday, January 2, 2015

January 2, 2015 Friday

Did a slow start with Pure and Simple Stretch.  I feel like a cat when I do this.  After sitting for the last couple of days it is so nice to do a 45 minute stretch.  It is basically the same as yoga.

Genesis - Chapter 3 The Fall   This is about the serpent telling Eve she can eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, and of course she does and gives some to Adam.  When their new awareness opens their eyes they are afraid to be found naked in front of God.  We too can still be afraid of being "naked" in front of God.  Having him discover us at doing something we know we shouldn't be doing.  Guess what?  He already knows.  And, he still loves you and wants you to be with him.

On this day;
1982 -  My brother Mark was living with me and one of our favorite pastimes and forms of relaxation was a jigsaw puzzle in the winter.  Such a great waste of time.  Now, having a cat and nowhere to set up a puzzle I can't even consider it, but I would love to spend today doing one.  Why don't you set one up and call me!

1879 - Thomas Edison began construction on his first generator. Must have had a power outage.

Parenting - The Bible study writer referred to a scenario of teenagers hearing the sound of their parents coming home.  They had a party and the house was all tore up and they were drunk.  It's that same feeling as being caught naked or exposed as in Genesis.  Anyone had that experience?  No, I didn't think so.

Ha Bhuton - We have moved!  This is a beautiful place.  Here is a little opening info.

Ha, Bhutan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ha or Has is a town and seat of Haa District in Bhutan.[1]
Ha is situated in the west of the Sandalwood Kingdom near Sikkim in the Ha Valley. The major economic activity is rice production. It contains two Buddhist temples.


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Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Darrel!

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