Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015 Monday

Pilates for Dummies -  Works out everything!

Nehemiah chapter 6 - The prophet was committed to rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem.  He had a lot of opposition from enemies and his own people as well.  He prayed continuously for God's help and finished the rebuilding in 52 days.  A monumental task even with God's help.  He was as Pastor Beebe said yesterday, passionate about his work.

On this day;
2014  Last year -It was a day of worry.  Aaron and Lisa were awaiting the birth of Martina and Nicole was flying home from Utah where she had been skiing.  The weather (if you forgot last winter) was horrible for both occasions.  Nicole would call from each stop and let me know that it was delayed.  I was going to drive out to the airport to pick her up, but a 7 or 8 pm pickup kept getting later and the snow fall deeper.  I finally told her to get a cab - I would rather pay for that then attempt the ride myself.  She finally got home at 3AM and Martina waited for better weather.

1784 - In a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin expressed unhappiness over the eagle as the symbol of America. He wanted the symbol to be the turkey. He was a turkey!  so glad that didn't happen.  dumb bird.

Parenting - There is no end to the worry you have when you have kids.  So worth it though.

Bhutan - sightseeing;;_ylu=X3oDMTEzM2pkdDNiBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1lIUzAwMl8x/RV=2/RE=1422313306/RO=10/
Great pictures of Ha Bhutan here! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sarah!

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