Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 4, 2014 Sunday

A day of rest. Oh please.

Revelation chapter 19 -  The Bride that is spoken of here is the church.  God speaks of His people as being the bride/church.  We are the beloved - wedded to Christ.  Our communal place here on earth is the building that we call the church.  But it is actually us that is the church. 

On this day;
1991 -  Our family headed home from Florida.  We always drove, a day and a half.  You know the feeling in the car, leaving the warm sun and driving north into cloudy, then rain then drizzle then snow.  A lot of people are heading home today after a long holiday away.  I pray you have safe travels and a better attitude then I remember having.

1991 - The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously to condemn Israel's treatment of the Palestinians in the occupied territories. We are always reminded that prisoners are not treated very well.  It is the nature of the beast.  It isn't better now - we have learned nothing regarding this.

Parenting - It is difficult to raise children in a world where peace is not celebrated.  We have to have enemies.  We need to be better then someone else and have more.  We learn in the church to love one another and share to excess what we have - not just a pittance.  We do not give till it hurts.  Make this year different - teach your children what the ground rules for peace is.  Do we know?

Ha Bhutan -  This place looks great.
Bhutan's landscape ranges from subtropical plains in the south to the sub-alpine Himalayan heights in the north, where some peaks exceed 7,000 metres (23,000 ft). Its total area was reported as approximately 46,500 km2 (18,000 sq mi) in 1997[11] and 38,394 square kilometres (14,824 sq mi) in 2002.[1][2] Bhutan's state religion is Vajrayana Buddhism and the population, now (as of 2012/2013) estimated to be nearly three-quarters of a million,[3] is predominantly Buddhist. Hinduism is the second-largest religion.[12]
In 2008, Bhutan made the transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy and held its first general election.[13] As well as being a member of the United Nations, Bhutan is a member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and hosted SAARC's sixteenth summit in April 2010. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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