Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28, 2015 Wednesday

Going to dance class tonight and maybe to the Y on the treadmill later.

Luke chapter 10 - about Mary and Martha.  Mary wanted to sit and hear Jesus and Martha wanted to serve him.  Jesus pointed out that when the opportunity presents itself, listen to the word of God before you work in the kitchen.

On this day;
1978 - It must not have been a very strenuous game of racquette ball that Pete and I played, I took a shower and did my hair before we went.  What you wear matters if you go to a gym I think.  Even if I am going to the Y to walk I think about what I wear, I don't have to do that at home - but I do.  Don bought be some nice pants and a shirt to work out in and Nicole got me new shoes, all underarmor.  I feel special.  We used to wear raggy sweats, looked like we were seasoned.  I guess I must have cared if I took a shower and did my hair first.  The running clothes they have now are pretty snazzy, keeping right up with the biking clothes.  Wear what you want but get active!

1980 - Six Americans who had fled the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran, on November 4, 1979, left Iran using false Canadian diplomatic passports. The Americans had been hidden at the Canadian embassy in Tehran. Yay! Canada!

Parenting - Sometime I lay awake at night and wonder what circumstances occur that would lead a woman to deliver a full term baby and let it die and then discard it as garbage.  I then wonder how poor God can deal with all the pain and suffering and inhumanity in this world.  Reach out if you know someone who is troubled and pregnant, offer any help you can, the agencies always find homes for healthy babies.

Bhutan -  Just a couple more days here!

Bhutan Trips

Pick one for yourself. looks like a great place to see!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Nate!

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