Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9, 2015 Friday Mom's 93rd Birthday

Richard and I did some resistance band muscle strengthening.  He also does a great warm up and cool down with this that makes doing the workout worthwhile.  How is you resolution to be more active//workout doing?  Hang in there!

Psalm 119 - a small portion 97-104. It is a long psalm.  This part refers to the psalmist loving God's law and raising them up for adhering to it.  The study writer mentions that reading the Bible is one of the best ways to continually know God.  In our lives we can never know too much.

On this day;
2003 - Mom's 81st birthday.  Andy, Mom and I went to Uncle Wayne's funeral.  Not a good way to spend your birthday.  Mom and Wayne, who was her sister's husband, had never been close.  After her sister died, and the fact that he had estranged himself from so many because of his people skills, he became Mom's best friend.  He needed to heal for all the years of being not such a nice guy.  I hope at the time of his death he had found some peace.  If you have a family or friend that has made a lot of trouble for themselves, give them a chance to apologize and make it right.  Good for them and for you.

2003 - Archaeologists announced that they had found five more chambers in the tomb of Qin Shihuang, China's first emperor. The rooms were believed to cover about 750,000 square feet. This guy had much more living space dead then I'll ever have alive.  No one apparently told him - you can't take it with you.

Parenting - My cousin has twin grandsons.  Their mother posts video's and picture's everyday.  Some may say it's too much, but I can never get enough of it, they are so cute.  And when did babies start talking before a year old?  Nicole said "baby" when she was 7 months, so I guess words here and there.  Love to hear it.

Ha Bhuton - lets learn some more;
Until the early 17th century, Bhutan existed as a patchwork of minor warring fiefdoms, when the area was unified by the Tibetan lama and military leader Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal who had fled religious persecution in Tibet. To defend the country against intermittent Tibetan forays, Namgyal built a network of impregnable dzong (fortresses), and promulgated the Tsa Yig, a code of law that helped to bring local lords under centralized control. Many such dzong still exist and are active centers of religion and district administration. Portuguese Jesuits Estêvão Cacella and João Cabral were the first recorded Europeans to visit Bhutan, on their way to Tibet. They met Ngawang Namgyal, presented him with firearms, gunpowder and a telescope, and offered him their services in the war against Tibet, but the Shabdrung declined the offer. After a stay of nearly eight months Cacella wrote a long letter from the Chagri Monastery reporting on his travels. This is a rare extant report of the Shabdrung.[31][32] After Ngawang Namgyal's death in 1651, his passing was kept secret for 54 years; after a period of consolidation, Bhutan lapsed into internal conflict. In the year 1711 Bhutan went to war against the Mughal Empire and its Subedars, who restored Koch Bihar in the south. During the chaos that followed, the Tibetans unsuccessfully attacked Bhutan in 1714.[33]  As with most histories of countries that we have visited, this one is also full of war.  We all have that in common, right?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mom!  93 wow

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