Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 31, 2015 Saturday Goodbye January

Lied about yesterday, did the Abs of Steel today.

2 Corinthians - Now is the time to enter the door of salvation.  We are reconciled to God through Jesus the Christ and are invited in.  The door is open to those who believe.  There will come a time when it will not be open anymore.  Hurry up!

On this day;
1986 - Nicole woke up vomiting.  She wasn't a year old, so in the midst of worrying about her, I passed out.  Mom came over to take care of Nicole.   Thank God for Mom's!

1876 - All Native American Indians were ordered to move into reservations. Who did the American Government think they/we were?  Have we learned anything?  I hope so.

Parenting - Been seeing a lot of Mom's (it seems it still always falls to moms) taking care of sick children on media.  It is that time of year.  You are blessed if when you come down sick at the same time - your mom or mother in law step in and carry on.  Hope that husbands help more often now, since woman work too.

Ha Bhutan -
Pack up we are moving, I will let you know where tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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