Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8, 2015 Thursday

Pilates for everybody with Denise Austin.  I like Pilates, but Denise puts her own twist on the regular moves and she, being a trainer is in excellent shape.  She does T stands which are done laying on your side and then lifting in a t stand on your wrist.  My wrists say no.  Should I continue to work at it risking my wrist or give in to my age and take a pass.?

Ezekial chapter 34 The Lord Will Be Israel's Shepherd.    The Lord is come to all people, not just the Israelites.  Thank you Jesus.  AND he showers us with blessings everyday. Today I am thankful for a house with heat.

On this day;
1999 - A friend of my bosses, Tony wanted Nicole and I to go to his Grand daughters wedding with him.  We had a terrible snow storm the hour of the church wedding and then all night.  Tony called me and said he was picking us up and he did.  Tony was 72 at the time.  I still wonder why he insisted that Nicole and I went with him, but it was a beautiful wedding.  I better call Tony today and see how he is doing. (In hindsight, now, I don't think 72 is so old)

1999 - The top two executives of Salt Lake City's Olympic Organizing Committee resigned amid disclosures that civic boosters had given cash to members of the International Olympic Committee. For a history of an organization built on truth, honesty and fairness - good will to all, these guys apparently missed the mark.  Losers, no gold for them.

Parenting - I was randomly thinking (as I am prone to do) that the happiest I could be is to have my daughter with me, ALL of the time.  Then I thought the most miserable I could be, would be, to steal my daughter's life by having her with me, ALL of the time.  Thought for the day.

Ha Bhuton - Check this place out!


Stone tools, weapons, elephants, and remnants of large stone structures provide evidence that Bhutan was inhabited as early as 2000 BC, although there are no existing records from that time. Historians have theorized that the state of Lhomon (literally, "southern darkness"), or Monyul ("Dark Land", a reference to the Monpa, the aboriginal peoples of Bhutan) may have existed between 500 BC and AD 600. The names Lhomon Tsendenjong (Sandalwood Country), and Lhomon Khashi, or Southern Mon (country of four approaches), have been found in ancient Bhutanese and Tibetan chronicles.[21][22]
Isn't this beautiful!?
The Dzong in the Paro valley, built in 1646
Buddhism was first introduced to Bhutan in the 7th century AD. Tibetan king Songtsän Gampo[23] (reigned 627–649), a convert to Buddhism, who actually had extended the Tibetan Empire into Sikkim and Bhutan,[24] ordered the construction of two Buddhist temples, at Bumthang in central Bhutan and at Kyichu (near Paro) in the Paro Valley.[25] Buddhism was propagated in earnest[23] in 746[26] under King Sindhu Rāja (also Künjom;[27] Sendha Gyab; Chakhar Gyalpo), an exiled Indian king who had established a government in Bumthang at Chakhar Gutho Palace.[28]:35 [29]:13
Trashigang Dzong, built in 1659.
Much of early Bhutanese history is unclear because most of the records were destroyed when fire ravaged the ancient capital, Punakha, in 1827. By the 10th century, Bhutan's political development was heavily influenced by its religious history. Various sub-sects of Buddhism emerged which were patronized by the various Mongol warlords. After the decline of the Yuan Dynasty in the 14th century, these sub-sects vied with each other for supremacy in the political and religious landscape, eventually leading to the ascendancy of the Drukpa sub-sect by the 16th century.[25][30]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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