Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20, 2015 Tuesday

did some Kickin with Country line dancing with Denise this morning.  Boot Scootin Boogie!

1 Kings Chapter 19 - Elijah flees to Horeb.  Elijah is a prophet that has rubbed Jezebel wrong and had to flee for his life.  The Lord didn't throw down fire and brimstone to kill those that would hurt Elijah, he merely watched over him and sent angels with food.  God doesn't have to make a big scene for us to know He is there.  Loved doing this story with kids for VBS last summer.

On this day;
1992 - Nicole and I were supposed to go somewhere with Chris or maybe just to work at Quality,  But as it happens, Nicole was sick with a sore throat so we cancelled, stayed home and played Animal Bingo and Triominoes.  Later that day Mark came home sick with a sore throat also.  Who hasn't had that happen, especially this time of year.

1937 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the first U.S. President to be inaugurated on January 20th. The 20th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution officially set the date for the swearing in of the President and Vice President. Not very interesting like the State of the Union tonight, I'm thinking.

Parenting - I've been seeing on Facebook a lot of the young mothers going through what we have all been faced with.  Sick kids, keeping you up at night, keeping you home from work, missing time from school and cancelling plans.  It is inevitable.  I decided to make the most of the day, as I have seen some do and put those kids movies on, bring out the board games, stock up on chicken noodle soup and popsicles and make the best of the day.  Down time.  AND then your husband comes home.  Achoooooo!

Ha Bhutan:  Lets see some tourist attractions!
Bhutan & Nepal - Trekking Tours in the Himalayan Kingdom
Bhutan & Nepal

This combination of Himalayan landscapes is infused with complementary cultures, beautiful vistas, and a revitalizing trek among the Annapurna mountains.

Bhutan & Nepal Trip Overview

This epic journey combines the highlights of the Dragon Kingdom, Bhutan, with a five-day trek through the foothills of the Annapurna Mountains of Nepal. While in Bhutan, we explore the monasteries and fortresses of this ancient kingdom, and experience the unique Bhutanese culture that few outsiders are privileged to encounter. In Nepal, epic mountain scenery, terraced hillsides and beautiful forest, and friendly villagers greet us on our cultural trek.

Itinerary at a Glance

Bhutan and Nepal Trekking and hiking Map with Boundless JourneysDays 1-2: Fly to Paro, Bhutan and explore the many interesting sites in the capitol city of Thimphu. Reportedly the only Asian capital without a stoplight.
Days 3-4: A spectacular drive brings us to the Punakha Valley viewing 20,000' Himalayan peaks along the way. We hike though small countryside villages and meet the welcoming locals.
Days 5-6: The Paro Valley is home to Tiger's Nest Monastery and no trip to Bhutan would be complete without the hike to this cliff side marvel.
Day 7: Fly to Pokhara, Nepal via Kathmandu, and the start our trekking adventure.
We have 7 days left here!  lets go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don! and Steve!

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