Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 17, 2015 Saturday

Working on getting a walk in later.

John chapter 4 - This is about Jesus asking the Samaritan woman for water at the well.  It's a good example of how we can start up a conversation with someone and share the word.  The important thing here is not Jesus' need for water but her need for Jesus' living water.

On this day;
1980 - Linda and I were in the Bahamas having maybe too good a time.  On this day we had breakfast/lunch and went out by the pool.  All the guys we had danced with or had served us, etc. last night, were all at the pool.  I started to not feel to well and went up to the room. It might have been alcohol poisoning, sun stroke or possibly someone slipped me something.  I never experienced it before or since then, it was the worse case of paranoia I could imagine.  Linda came up after a while and we waited it out and it got better.  I can't say I learned anything from it, but in hindsight I do believe someone put something in my drink at the pool.  You can never be to cautious about that.

1945 - Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg disappeared in Hungary while in Soviet custody. Wallenberg was credited with saving tens of thousands of Jews. Wow, does that sound questionable to you? I'm guessing someone slipped him something too.

Parenting - Wish I had a picture of the 5 of us girls at the bar last night wearing mustaches.  It might be a good tip on bad parenting.  Sure was fun.


Ha is located in the southwest section.  Maybe we should look at Thimphu while we are here.

Message from Dzongda

dzongdag photo
In this 21st century, Information will be the key to Social, Economic, Political and Organizational reforms and changes. Access to information, therefore is     indispensable for Individuals, Communities, Governments and Corporations in order to stay abreast of changes and best practices.
Bhutanese are doubly blessed with the farsighted of our Beloved Kings who spearheaded the introduction of ICT in Bhutan and the commitment of the Royal Governement to put the necessary infrastructure in place. In effect, Information and Communication Technology has been promoted relentlessly in all sphere of Governance and businesses. Now access to information is available and it is upto the Individuals, Communities and Organizations to make use of the information to adopt and transform the way we do business so that we can become a knowledge based society in the near future.
I welcome you all to the Thimphu Dzongkhag Website. We are in the process of developing the Website and are aware that a lot needs to be done. However, Basic Informations about the Dzongkhag, the sectors and the Geogs are available.
Enjoy Browsing. Kadrinche

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kaitlyn and Sharon!

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