Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 24, 2015 Saturday

A little aerobics this morning, cha cha cha.

Isaiah - chapter 30  Our help is in the Lord. "Blessed is he who waits for the Lord".  Mom gets very depressed when she wakes up every morning, again.  She is waiting for the Lord to take her, not surprising at 93.  I always tell her that it is up to him.

On this day;
2005 - It was a cold dismal rainy January day so after work I stopped at the library to find something on Indore India, which is where I was on this day - cyber traveling.  I don't use the library anymore they were woefully lacking.  I just go on the internet.  It was a great way to whisk myself away from the tedium of everyday life.  So it's been over 10 years I have been doing this traveling.

1935 - Krueger Brewing Company placed the first canned beer on sale in Richmond, VA. Now this is memorable!

Parenting - On this day in 2005 - one of the guys that I worked with and his wife took their daughter to the hospital for treatment for anorexia.  That mom went 100% out to cure her daughter of this nasty affliction.  She would make her eat 4 almonds and sit and stare at her while she did, to make sure she didn't sneak it out of her mouth.  She had my deepest admiration for her passion to make this right.  Last I heard it had and the girl was fine.  I hope so.

Book  - I am dying to pick up some books here that I want to read, but I'm sticking to my guns about finishing this book I am writing.  It is coming along.

Bhutan -- Cuisine

This is a traditional Bhutanese recipe for a classic curry of finely-chopped chicken cooked with garlic, onions, tomato and chillies.

Tshoem is the Bhutanese word for 'curry'. In this case it has the same meaning as the original Indian word, representing a thickened sauce or gravy which is not necessarily either hot or very heavily spiced.


1 whole chicken (about 1.4kg) [or use a mix of breasts and thighs] 2 tbsp vegetable oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 onion, sliced thinly 1 tomato, chopped 3 green chillies, finely chopped 1 tsp salt

Jasha Maroo (Minced Chicken Tshoem) Preparation:


Remove as much of the chicken meat from the bone as possible then chop into small, almost pea-sized, pieces. Transfer the meat to a saucepan and mix in the oil, salt and enough water to cover the meat. Bring to a boil then add the onion and reduce to a simmer. Cook for about 50 minutes, or until the meat is just tender.
Now add the add the garlic, ginger and chillies and return to a boil (add a little more water if necessary). Cook for a further 10 minutes, or until heated through. Serve hot on a bed of rice.
Guess I'll try this.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Holly!

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