Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015 Monday #plank#agreed#Sindbads#family#Higgins#Kaarinanewlocation

Get Fit
Can you plank?  Try this a few times today, see if you can hold for 1 minute.  I've heard it said this is the best thing you can do for all over strengthening.  Warning, it isn't easy.  But keep trying.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 1:10  St Paul says this "I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought."  Well at first response I would have to say that we have failed this miserably.  But have we?  What specifically is he speaking of?  I always stop and repeat the Apostles Creed when I am in question of this, not how to run the craft sale.

On this day
1980  Pat and Pam and I went over to Pat's dad's boat and took a cruise to Sindbad's for lunch.  I guess this is a tradition,  Last cruise of the summer.  It was lucky to have this kind of weather so late in the year.  It was a week ago we went on Pat's boat and did the same, except there was 20 of us.  Like father like son.

1937 - The play "I'd Rather be Right" opened in New York City. See the above Bible reference.

Having been at a wedding this weekend, I'm reminded that Parenting is really familying.  Sometime children and parents need to be reprimanded.  I love my friends and their kids.  It was a perfect wedding.

Book club  Jack Higgins - The Wolf at the Door.
He has written a million books, promised my neighbor Al I would read this. 

Kaarina Finland
Kaarinan kaupunki
Centre of Kaarina, Finland.jpg
Coat of arms of Kaarina
Coat of arms
Location of Kaarina in Finland
Location of Kaarina in Finland
Coordinates: 60°24′N 022°22′E
That little red dot is where we are - hope you had a good flight.  Enjoy Finland!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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