Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
Start out the week with weights.  If you are like me, you sat around and ate too much over the weekend.  I decided I needed my strength back but you might want to ease in with some yoga.  Go!

Get Faith
Matthew 24:37-44  42- Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.  This reminds us that the people in Noah's time were not ready and warns us that we should make sure we are.  Start talking to God now - pray, praise and thank Him.  Even if it doesn't happen in our lifetimes, we will be ready when it does.

On this day
2008 - My buddy, Bob Fitz died.  He was on hospice care at home and I had gone up to spend a last weekend with him.  I left around three the same time I usually left when I went up there to take care of him.  His family called and told me he passed right after I left.

1804 - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase went on trial accused of political bias. He was later acquitted by the U.S. Senate. I'd like to think this doesn't happen, but I would be naive.

On this day at Bob's I had spent the weekend with his grandchildren, on the bed with him and his dog and cat playing games and listening to his beloved Irish music.  The kids were 6 and 8 maybe and chattered away while we played.  His dog Chico and the cat Sinatra (had blue eyes) layed next to him and slept.  Before I left I read to his from his Catholic missive and told him his wife Anne was waiting for him and he should go.  He had been comatose for a few days on heavy doses of pain meds, but I know he heard us.

Book Club - War and Peace by Tolstoy
Too much holiday and partying this weekend to read.  I tried last night but fell asleep.

Kaarina Finland - leaving for Austria


Trip type

Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28, 2015 Saturday #slim#12yeroldking#familyshopping#superheroes#warandpeace

Get Fit
Try a little Pilates today!  Get ready for all that decorating or whatever you need to be ready for!

Get Faith
1 Kings 21:1-4  Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king.  He made some bad decisions regarding what/who was important.  He went back to an old habit of worshiping other Gods.  Twelve year old boys make mistakes, but I suggest as we get older we don't just give lip service to God and take His position as THE God seriously.

 On this day
2003  Mom, Nicole and I went up to Roscommon for Thanksgiving. Nicole was a freshman at Albion College, but she has always loved time with her family.  On this day which was the Friday after, Alice had to work at the bank so Andy, Mom, Nicole and I drove up to Gaylord for the day.  Mom had lived up there for 11 years and it brought back a lot of memories, Andy was in much better health at that time.  We spent a lot of time in Norman's.  It isn't your Somerset Mall but a great memory.
Where do your holidays take you?

1520 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait. The strait was named after him. He was the first European to sail the Pacific from the east. I often wonder what drove so many Portuguese to travel extensively and discover so much?

With so many wonderful electronics, super heroes and fun things to do, it might be hard to keep a kid focused on what is more important in life - and realistic.  I wonder if the ultra, magical world of make believe and overwhelming hoopla keeps our kids from being grounded in family values, good behavior, and the knowledge of God as a real superhero.  We may be selling them short on good basic life skills.  I love my electronics, great movies, friends outings, good books and the like - but my go to at the end of the day is remembering my God who makes all things possible.

Book Club - War and Peace by Tolstoy
Ok, I read a few pages and realized, no, I have not ever read this before.  Hoping for a few hours here and there to accomplish this.

Kaarina Finland  Last few days here, lets shop for souvenirs!
Framed Fortress at the waterfront, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland Print

Here is a great picture of Helsinki to take home!  only 33.49

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Liz!!

Friday, November 27, 2015

November 27, 2015 Friday#turkeyfat#drybones#suicide#family#newfurniture!

Get Fit
Now you have to get busy exercising the holidays are upon us.  I really feel like I got a good enough work out yesterday, but I worked on the legs today anyway.  Dancers legs workout, you can find it on google.

Get Faith
Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Valley of Bones.  Who knows the song Them Bones them bones them dry bones?  Ezekiel went to the valley of bones and the Lord brought life to those dry bones.  Because He can.  God gives life and through Jesus shows us the way to live and gives us eternal life.  Love everyone, share where needs be and enjoy the life God has given you and thank Him for it.  Hear the word of the Lord.

On this day:
2000  This was after the holiday weekend and I went into work on Monday morning to find a very somber boss drinking at 8 in the morning.  His good friend John had committed suicide up north while hunting.  The holidays are a bad time for some people.  If you know someone going through a bad time right now - reach out to them, you might save their life. We always wonder afterward why we didn't see it coming and do something.

1701 - Anders Celsius was born in Sweden. He was the inventor of the Celsius thermometer. How cold is it?

It was great to have the family here for Thanksgiving.   With Mom being 93, well you never know.  She had both of her surviving children, Andy and I and her daughter in law Alice and all three of her grandchildren plus her grandson in law.  That is the extent of our immediate family.  It was a great time to spend together.  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Such a big book, hope I can get through it by the end of December.  This time of year is hard to find a time to read without falling asleep.

Kaarina Finland products.

Alvar Aalto made his international breakthrough as a furniture designer. Aalto wished to learn "the language of wood fibres" and believed that there is a positive effect when our skin comes into contact with natural materials.

In 1935, Aino and Alvar Aalto founded the Finnish company Artek to manufacture their designs. Today, Artek remains faithful to the Aaltos' basic values as their master craftspeople continue to produce Aalto designs in Finland with high quality natural materials.

Aalto Furniture Care Instructions   See on line furniture!  really nice stuff!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25, 2015 Wednesday #stayhealthy#justice#traditionchanges#haggis#Finnishclothesline!

Get Fit
I worked out with Jillian today.  Not all 40 minutes, but some, 2 circuits.  Maybe if you work out today you will think about how good it feels to be healthy and not eat too much.

Get Faith  Habakkuk chapter 1:1-4  This is so pertinent to today's news I will print all of it.
The prophecy that Habakkuk the prophet received.
2. How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?
3 Why do you make me look at injustice:  Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?
    Destruction and violence are before me: there is strife, and conflict abounds.
4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails.
   The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.
Does this sound familiar?  God will invoke justice, wait for it.  Our promise is in Christ.

On this day
1999 - Every year is different here.  Some people probably continue for years with the whole family over at Mom and Dad's that turn into Grandma an Grandpa's.  Our family, because of status changes is seldom the same year to year.  On this day, Mom, Marty, and Jan joined Nicole and I for dinner here.  We had a few people stop by for a visit and we played cards in the evening after dinner.  It is great to remember because Marty is gone and Jan moved to Florida.  Things change - but my turkey is the same, basically.  This year I'm having a  little haggis for Andy and I.  yum.

1715 - Sybilla Thomas Masters became the first American to be granted an English patent for cleaning and curing Indian corn.  Have to have corn with mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving.

It used to be that kids ate what the family ate, with adjustments.  Some kids put catsup on everything, some dip their green beans in Ranch dressing while others feed the dog under the table.  Most kids will not eat brocoli, peas, fish, or haggis.  What do you feed your kids?

Book club - War and Peace by Tolstoy
Not sure how much time I will have to read now, but I will.

Kaarina Finland  entertainment
Hanging Clothes by Kaarina Kaikkonen - strangeLine

This is a local artist' work!  Lets go to the local museum today!  Looks fun.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 24, 2015 Tuesday #plank#thechurch#familymemories#Warandpeace#northernlights!

Get Fit
I actually planked 2 times for a minute each this morning.  Best effort yet.  Set a goal for yourself and don't sell yourself short!  You can do it and keep on track, make it a habit now, before the holidays.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 3:10-14  This paragraph talks about the building of the church.  The original church was built on the strong foundation of the Gospel, the Word which is God in Jesus Christ.  The Word of God does not change, but how we believe and live by it has.  Keep your heart and faith in God.  If we find ways to separate ourselves from other Christians because we can't agree, we fail the basic foundation of the church - Go make disciples, love your neighbor as yourself.

On this day
1995 - Two things on this day, my cousin Kathy stilled lived here in Michigan in the winter and the Blind Fish was still open on Jefferson.  It was a Friday and Kathy and I went out for a few drinks.  She now lives in Florida in the winter and the Blind Fish sadly burned down.  Anyone else have great memories of that place?  I know you do. Great food and great Irish coffees.

1995 - In Ireland, the voters narrowly approved a constitutional amendment legalizing divorce. Wow I'd be in trouble there.

This time of year we all have Thanksgiving memories.  Most are probably good, of family, large or small around the table, but some might not be good.  Not all families celebrate holidays for reasons of financial, disagreements, separation, or maybe they never experienced it themselves so they did not carry it on in their family.  Find a way to start making memories for your children, and be thankful they just said on TV that thankful people live longer and sleep better.

Book Club  War and Peace by Lev Tolstoy
I haven't  read this, now is the time.  I'm overdue for a classic.

Kaarina Finland - more sightseeing

There is a day trip in Lapland to see the Northern Lights, by snowmobile.  Dress Warm!!  See the video on youtube

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy!!

Lapland Northern Lights Safari by Snowmobile from Rovaniemi

Lapland Northern Lights Safari by Snowmobile from Rovaniemi

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015 Monday #tricky#washedcleaninChrist#handjive#rentalavailable#

Get Fit
Denise and I did some Kicken with Country.  Kick start the week with some aerobic dancing.  I think that dancing is a great way to trick yourself into exercising.

Get Faith
Romans 6:11   Christ died for our sin and so we too have died to sinful lives so that we can live with God.  11: "In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus".  Our baptism is the acknowledgement of our clean soul.  Thanks be to God!

On this day
1990   Even after reading this in my journal I don't recall the event.  I have obviously repressed it.  My husband Mark and I took a couple from the downriver King Marine boat store and a couple that came down from Cadillac, the Four Winns plant to the Wishing Well for dinner and then saw Jimmy Freeman after that.  I must have had some cocktails because Jimmy got me up to lead the crowd in the hand jive.  Like I said, I don't recall.  If you are from this area, you might know Jimmy Freeman. He was quite the showman, I think he still is around.

1835 - Henry Burden patented the horseshoe manufacturing machine.  Wonder if they still use it?

I have an empty bedroom.  I keep imagining different scenarios of who could move into that room.  I could easily do a Foster child, or rent to an intern at the local hospital - I'm sure God will send something my way, he always does.  Nicole is used to having another person in the house with us, and then she is never home with her job anyway.  hmmmm

Book club  
Any suggestions?

Kaarina Finland  sightseeing

TripAdvisor Reviewer Highlights

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On the way to the archipelago ring route
Unfortunately, in Finland you can not find very many preserved castles. This castle was built in the 14th century to serve as a stronghold for the Catholic bishops in Finland... read more
3 of 5 starsReviewed July 8, 2015
Oulu, Finland

Lets do this today!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Don T, and Emily!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22, 2015 Sunday #lookforwardtojustice#Brucealmighty#kissinkin!

Get Faith
Isaiah 51:4  "Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation:  Instruction will go out from me my; justice will become a light to the nations."  The end of the church year brings attention to the end of bad times and the beginning of a new time.  The birth of Christ celebration is coming and a new year to celebrate life and God's goodness.

On this day
1988   My Mom picked up my cousin Bruce and brought him over to visit.  She probably wasn't sure how to visit with him alone.  He was a great looking guy that had married, had kids, got a divorce and moved to Texas and remarried and had kids.  He, unfortunately had his dad's disposition, they were fighters.  No one wanted them at a wedding.  If they couldn't find someone to have a knock down with they fought with each other.  Entertaining.  They are both gone now, I wonder if there is a boxing ring in heaven for these type of guys.

1988 - The South African government announced it had joined Cuba and Angola in endorsing a plan to remove Cuban troops from Angola. Usa isn't the only country that has exploited third world countries.

I had a lot of cousins growing up, maybe 40 or so, first cousins.  They ranged in age from older than my Mom and Dad to babies.  The difference in all of the upbringings is amazing, but so are the similarities.  Maybe another book.

Book Club  - Looking for suggestions

Kaarina Finland  customs
Get it by Tuesday, Nov 24
More Buying Choices

Auto-delivered wirelessly  Maybe I could read this!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Saturday, November 21, 2015

November 21, 2015 Saturday #amyoga#Godwillprevail#crazyRussians#funnyFinnishmusic

Get Fit
Nothing better than starting the day with AM yoga.  I turn the fireplace on put down my towel and soak up the peace and serenity of a good stretch.  I solved my cat interference by letting him outside first.  Even in the snow today and he didn't want to come in. I'm purring.

Get Faith
Habbakkuk 3:16b  "Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us."  The study suggested Zephaniah 3:14-20.  I accidently read this instead.  Seems an appropriate message.  God's people have been under fire many times over the millenniums, bu we always trust in God to take care of our enemies and He often asks us to help.  Keep your faith in God and know that He will prevail not them.

On this day
1987 My friend Pete's Mom and Grandma bought condos across the hall from each other, then had a spat and didn't talk to each other THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.  Seriously, I was a messenger between them.  On this day I took Nicole over to visit, first one and then the other.  Those Russians are crazy grudge holders.

1987 - An eight-day siege began at a detention center in Oakdale, LA, as Cuban detainees seized the facility and took hostages.  Apparently Cubans have issues as well.

Our pets are family right?  This cat of OURS has had issues this year.  Grandma left in February and Nicole was not home much then went to camp for the summer.  He has bonded, tightly, with me.  But when we went to Scotland for 9 days, well, he left home.  He was gone for 7 days, we found him 2 days after we got back.  He is changed, he was an inside cat, now he prefers out and even today in the snow.  At least he doesn't bite me anymore.  Cat from hell guy where are you?

Book Club  The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
I finished this book last night.  I would recommend it to anyone that likes mystery reads, less sexy and less graphic violence then a lot of books add.  

Kaarina Finland  music

Composers & Repertoire

The Music Finland Sheet Music Library maintains a large selection of Finnish sheet music and distributes unpublished works by Finnish composers. Focusing on Finnish contemporary music, the collection contains over 40,000 items of vocal, orchestral and chamber music  Or you can go to Crazy Finnish music and see the video!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20, 2015 Friday#Onyourtoes#believe#stollenyum#tastelessfastfood#Finnsamongus!

Get Fit
Balletecize.  Do you remember when they used to have the football players learn ballet for strength and balance?  I have had this video for a number of years but I am sure there are others out there.  Try it!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:16-21  This is about the disciples sharing the faith to us because they saw the Gospel happening.  We can be assured that this is true because the Spirit is given to us and we trust the Word of God given to us in the Bible.  I would rather die believing in this than live with what some others believe.  Have faith and believe.

On this day
1985 - My Mom makes the best stollen, a German bread she always made at Christmas.  It was a lot of work but she always included an extra couple of loafs, one for my Uncle Hank, her brother and one for his son Dennis.  I have friends that make stollen now, and it is the closest to my Mom's that I have found.  I never made it myself - not many like fruit bread anymore.

1980 - On Jefferson Island, Louisiana, an oil rig in Lake Pigneur pierced the top of the salt dome beneath the island. The freshwater lake completely drained within a few hours. The Delcambre Canal reversed flow and two days later the previous freshwater lake was a 1,300-foot-deep saltwater lake. Am I wrong in thinking this was horrible?

I have been talking lately to friends about how the taste of new generations is different than ours.  They don't like the typical meat with mashed potatoes and gravy that we were raised on.  They don't like the old standard stews etc, that we loved.  I believe fast food has taken over what they consider real  food.What do you think?

Book Club - The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins 
Last chapter!  looking for new read.

Kaarina Finland
Demography. In 1997, the population was about 5,147,000 people, of whom 93 percent were ethnically and linguistically Finns. High mortality from wars and famine dampened population growth between the sixteenth and late nineteenth centuries. In the twentieth century, a falling birthrate and emigration led to very low population growth. Dramatic internal migration accompanied an economic transformation between the 1950s and the mid-1970s, when agriculture and the forestry industry were rapidly mechanized. At that time, many young people left the rural east and northeast to work in the urban industrialized south. While 75 percent of the population lived in rural areas just before World War II, by the late 1990s, 62 percent of the people were urban dwellers. About a sixth of the population lives in the Helsinki metropolitan area along the south-central coast in the province of Uusimaa. Helsinki became the capital in 1812 under Russian control, replacing the role Turku had served during Swedish domination. Substantial Finnish populations live in Russia, the United States, Canada, and Sweden, and smaller numbers reside in Australia, South Africa, and Latin America.


Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19, 2015 Thursday #muscles!#talktoGod#IceCapades#war#drumlinsandeskers

Get Fit
Did some weights this morning.  I use 5 lb hand weights and do a series of upper body and then legs.  I can get through 2 sets of 10 and should push for the third circuit.  Do what you can - that's what I like about being home I don't feel like anyone is watching and counting my reps for me.  Some people need that though!

Get Faith
Ephesians 3:12  "In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."  You don't have to be in church, or go to a Priest or Pastor, you can bring your gratitude, sins, praise and requests to God yourself.  Go ahead he hears you.  Have faith.

On this day
1980 - I went to Andy and Adele's after work and we all took Merri and Lindsey to the Ice Capades. This was before Joe Louis arena, maybe at Cobo?

1969 - Apollo 12 astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean made man's second landing on the moon. This is the second time men prayed on the moon, what, you don't think so?  I bet they prayed to safely reach home on earth!

My daughter and I don't share political views.  I was a liberal when I was young also, but we do share some view points.  Our constitution says to welcome those who need shelter.  We also agree on how the war against Isis can only be dealt with.

Book Club - The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
Getting to the end and I believe it will be a surprise ending.  It is very timely with what is going on in the world now.

Kaarina Finland  culture
Location and Geography. Finland is bordered on the east by Russia, on the south by the Gulf of Finland and Estonia, on the west by the Gulf of Bothnia and Sweden, and on the north and northwest by Norway. A quarter of its territory is north of the Arctic Circle. Four physiographic-biotic regions divide the country. An archipelagic belt embraces the southwestern coastal waters and the Ă…land Islands. A narrow coastal plain of low relief and clay soils, historically the area of densest rural settlement and mixed farming production, extends between the Russian and Swedish borders. A large interior plateau contains dense forests, thousands of lakes and peat bogs, and rocky infertile soils associated with a glacially modified landscape with numerous drumlins and eskers. This district lies north and east of the coastal plain toward the Russian border. Beyond the Arctic Circle, forests give way to barren fells, extensive bogs, rugged mountains, and the large rivers of Lapland. Continental weather systems produce harsh cold winters that last up to seven months in the interior eastern and northern districts, yet long summer days permit farming far to the north. The climate in the south and west is moderated by the waters of the Gulf Stream and north Atlantic drift current.

Read more:  I had a preconcieved notion of all ice and snow here.  Anyone know what drumlins and eskers are?

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Marylou!  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015 Wednesday #Strrrrretcccch#follorJesus#goodfriends#SteamboatWillie!#Finns

Get Fit
Slow and simple stretches.  Sound good?  Try it.

Get Faith
Luke 14:25-35  The cost of being a disciple.  Jesus asks us to give up everything and follow him.  I am not qualified to question this or negate what He says.  It is better for you to read it and make your own decision.  I know times were different then and Jesus was walking the earth and teaching.  I feel like it is important to not treasure this life more than our promise of the life to come and we should share what we have with those who are in need.  Jesus gave His all for us.

On this day
1978 - I was working one of the shows at Cobo and a few of my friends came by to say hello.  They had run into my kid brother Mark and gave him money to go have a drink with his friends.  He had turned 21 this year, but never had money to party the way my friends and I did.  It was nice of Chuck and Robin to do that.  Small gifts.

1928 - The first successful sound-synchronized animated cartoon premiered in New York. It was Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie," starring Mickey Mouse. 
Disney movies, music and books I remember seeing this in the 60's and thinking it was old tech.

What do your kids watch on TV? Or do they?  It has changed so much from when I was young and so was TV (young).  I remember how funny it was to watch Laugh In with their off color jokes, but didn't think it was funny when the off humor of The Simpsons came on when Nicole was young.  I guess it is all relative, huh?  

Book club  The wolf at the Door  by Jack Higgins
Still reading

Kaarina Finland culture

Identification. The terms "Finland" and "Finns" are external obscure derivations from early (first century C.E. ) Roman references to people known as Fenni (probably Lapps or Saami) who occupied lands north of the Baltic Sea. In their own language, Finns generally refer to themselves as Suomalaiset and their land or country as Suomi , which may derive from suo , the Finnish expression for a bog or swamp. Finns constitute the majority of the citizens of the Republic of Finland, which has a Swedish-speaking minority as well as Saami (Lapp) and Rom (Gypsy) minorities. While language was a highly divisive issue as late as the 1920s and 1930s, many Finnish speakers now recognize the value of Swedish for communicating with other Nordic countries. A distinction between urban, industrialized, coastal southwestern Finland and the rural interior northeast is an important historical and regional division in terms of culture and identity. However, socialist versus nonsocialist affiliations are more meaningful at the political level. Despite these distinctions, most citizens strongly believe that they share a common culture and heritage.

Read more:

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!