Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6, 2015 Friday #legs#testing#needajob#loveacop#spy#

Get Fit
Do 20 Jumping jacks to warm up, hamstring stretches and then dancers legs workout.  I want to keep my legs strong as long as I can to keep the mobility.  It is never too soon to start! Or too late.

Get Faith
Exodus 16:2-15 The Israelite's were free from Egypt, out in the desert grumbling about not having food to God.  He gave them food but there were rules involved - only so much per person, etc.  It was a test to see if they obey.  Going out on a limb here, are there tests and rules attached to what Jesus promises us in the Gospel?  Is that where the law stopped and grace started?  What do you think?

On this day
1992 - I was still working for Quality part time and on this day I was covering the Birmingham Frames and Framing store.  I loved working there - the designing, the art work just about everything about it.  Wish it was still there - I might even work full time!

1832 - Joseph Smith, III, was born. He was the first president of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was also the son of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. I really should read this story, it looks interesting.

I was at a fundraiser last night for Lifebuilders a group that is making a huge difference in Northeast Detroit.  The gentleman sitting next to me was a Detroit Police officer.  He has been on the force for 16 1/2 years.  Tremaine talked about the difficulty of being a cop these days and said that his son used to want to be a cop like him - but not anymore.  Sad and smart.

Book Club -- Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
An up to date exciting politics, spies and foreign intrigue - I like it!

Kaarina Finland 
Description Harvaluoto island Piikkiö Kaarina Finland.jpga nice farm scene looks pretty!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Ruth!  94!

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