Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28, 2015 Saturday #slim#12yeroldking#familyshopping#superheroes#warandpeace

Get Fit
Try a little Pilates today!  Get ready for all that decorating or whatever you need to be ready for!

Get Faith
1 Kings 21:1-4  Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king.  He made some bad decisions regarding what/who was important.  He went back to an old habit of worshiping other Gods.  Twelve year old boys make mistakes, but I suggest as we get older we don't just give lip service to God and take His position as THE God seriously.

 On this day
2003  Mom, Nicole and I went up to Roscommon for Thanksgiving. Nicole was a freshman at Albion College, but she has always loved time with her family.  On this day which was the Friday after, Alice had to work at the bank so Andy, Mom, Nicole and I drove up to Gaylord for the day.  Mom had lived up there for 11 years and it brought back a lot of memories, Andy was in much better health at that time.  We spent a lot of time in Norman's.  It isn't your Somerset Mall but a great memory.
Where do your holidays take you?

1520 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait. The strait was named after him. He was the first European to sail the Pacific from the east. I often wonder what drove so many Portuguese to travel extensively and discover so much?

With so many wonderful electronics, super heroes and fun things to do, it might be hard to keep a kid focused on what is more important in life - and realistic.  I wonder if the ultra, magical world of make believe and overwhelming hoopla keeps our kids from being grounded in family values, good behavior, and the knowledge of God as a real superhero.  We may be selling them short on good basic life skills.  I love my electronics, great movies, friends outings, good books and the like - but my go to at the end of the day is remembering my God who makes all things possible.

Book Club - War and Peace by Tolstoy
Ok, I read a few pages and realized, no, I have not ever read this before.  Hoping for a few hours here and there to accomplish this.

Kaarina Finland  Last few days here, lets shop for souvenirs!
Framed Fortress at the waterfront, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland Print

Here is a great picture of Helsinki to take home!  only 33.49

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Liz!!

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