Saturday, November 7, 2015

November 7, 2015 Saturday #shop#badjobEzekiel#don'tjudge#laughinigmovers#

Get Fit
Going early today down to Eastern Market with my two sweet friends Norma and Pam.  So I will get some walking and carrying and lifting and walking, oh and lunch probably.  

Get Faith
Ezekiel 33:7-20 - This is a reading that brings me to my knees in thanks for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  If someone sins and you don't say to them "you have sinned" You are guilty and will be held accountable for not telling them.  If a person sins and doesn't know it, they won't be held accountable.  The Watchman - Ezekiel was held responsible for those under his watch.  What a job.

On This Day
1993  It was a Monday morning and I went to Nicole's school to talk to her teacher.  Mrs Keane was not well liked by a lot of the parents, but she took a liking to Nicole - who on the first card marking got all A's.  When I went to see her on this day I asked her to let me know if she noticed any behavior issues with Nicole as her Dad had moved to Florida and I wasn't sure how she was handling it.  Nicole, like her father keeps everything close to her heart.  Mrs Keane was very supportive and a great 3rd year teacher for Nicole.  Don't judge by others opinions.

1983 - A bomb exploded in the U.S. Capitol. No one was injured. Is that it?  no more info?

I love that moment when Nicole and I bust out in spontaneous laughter from a shared experience.  We had one today while trying to move that miserable loft bed out of her room and the house.  It is amazing how much strength you lose when you laugh hysterically.  We finally succeeded though.

Book Club  Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins

Kaarina Finland  

Welcome to Kaarina

Located in South West Finland Kaarina is a dynamic, thriving town with a growing population of more than 32 000.
A comprehensive road network allows for easy and fast access to the logistics centres of Turku and Helsinki, Combined with a highly educated workforce and wide range of ancillary services Kaarina is the perfect location for business.
For residents Kaarina offers high quality primary, secondary and further education, quality leisure, sports and retail facilities as well as comprehensive social and health care services. A safe environment on the edge of the beautiful Finnish archipelago; Kaarina is the ideal location to work, live and play.  Sounds like a great place!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy birthday Christine!

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