Friday, November 27, 2015

November 27, 2015 Friday#turkeyfat#drybones#suicide#family#newfurniture!

Get Fit
Now you have to get busy exercising the holidays are upon us.  I really feel like I got a good enough work out yesterday, but I worked on the legs today anyway.  Dancers legs workout, you can find it on google.

Get Faith
Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Valley of Bones.  Who knows the song Them Bones them bones them dry bones?  Ezekiel went to the valley of bones and the Lord brought life to those dry bones.  Because He can.  God gives life and through Jesus shows us the way to live and gives us eternal life.  Love everyone, share where needs be and enjoy the life God has given you and thank Him for it.  Hear the word of the Lord.

On this day:
2000  This was after the holiday weekend and I went into work on Monday morning to find a very somber boss drinking at 8 in the morning.  His good friend John had committed suicide up north while hunting.  The holidays are a bad time for some people.  If you know someone going through a bad time right now - reach out to them, you might save their life. We always wonder afterward why we didn't see it coming and do something.

1701 - Anders Celsius was born in Sweden. He was the inventor of the Celsius thermometer. How cold is it?

It was great to have the family here for Thanksgiving.   With Mom being 93, well you never know.  She had both of her surviving children, Andy and I and her daughter in law Alice and all three of her grandchildren plus her grandson in law.  That is the extent of our immediate family.  It was a great time to spend together.  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Such a big book, hope I can get through it by the end of December.  This time of year is hard to find a time to read without falling asleep.

Kaarina Finland products.

Alvar Aalto made his international breakthrough as a furniture designer. Aalto wished to learn "the language of wood fibres" and believed that there is a positive effect when our skin comes into contact with natural materials.

In 1935, Aino and Alvar Aalto founded the Finnish company Artek to manufacture their designs. Today, Artek remains faithful to the Aaltos' basic values as their master craftspeople continue to produce Aalto designs in Finland with high quality natural materials.

Aalto Furniture Care Instructions   See on line furniture!  really nice stuff!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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