Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16, 2015 Monday #abs#forgive#pms#moving#socialgaffes

Get Fit
How about starting the week with an ab workout?  Strengthen the back by using your abs and you will be ready for the rest of the week.

Get Faith
John 15:9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love."  God loves His creation regardless.  He has the ability to forgive and I believe, judge.  We can't judge, but for our own good we need to forgive.  Start with the neighbor that blew their leaves onto your lawn and go from there.

On this day;
1976  I took the day off work for female reasons, laid in bed watched tv and read.  They have better drugs for that now.  People said it was psychosomatic -  must have been men.  Not a hater, they just had no idea, I think men today have a much better awareness.

1952 - In the Peanuts comic strip, Lucy first held a football for Charlie Brown. maybe that time of the month for Lucy.

Went to see the play Meet me in St Louis about a family that lived in St Louis in the early 1900's and the families reaction to the father's announcement that they would move to New York - before the World Fair would open there, in case you aren't familiar with the story.  Moving is a hard thing on a family.  Where the parents might be excited the kids have to leave friends, etc and might not share the joy.  We moved a lot when I was a kid.  I have lived in this house for 38 years, my daughter has only experienced her own moves to college, camp and Chicago, but home is home. 

Book club  The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
The story has taken a new twist.  Good reading.

Kaarina Finland - customs
Finland is an easy country to visit. Finnish customs and manners are clearly European, with only a few national variations, and attitudes are liberal. There is very little chance of a visitor committing fundamental social gaffes or breaches of etiquette that would fatally damage relations between himself and his hosts. Such breaches are viewed by Finns with equanimity if committed by their own countrymen and with understanding or amusement if committed by foreigners. Codes of behaviour are fairly relaxed, and reputations – good or bad – are built up over time as the result of personal actions rather than conforming to norms or standards. It is difficult in Finland to make or break a reputation with a single social blunder.  Good to know!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Cholo and Sheldon!

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