Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 12, 2015 Thursday #keep going!#learnaboutJesus#oldfolks#socialissue

Get Fit
My nieces are runners and Lindsey is always posting good ideas and health opportunities on her facebook site.  If you are doing anything and need more info check out the web social media and keep up with what is going on.

Get Faith
Phillippians 3:4b-14 - This is Paul talking about how he had been a perfect Jew, had done all the proper things to be a good Jew - but then he met Jesus.  After hearing and learning from Jesus (and this was after Jesus was resurrected) Paul realized that all he knew before was nothing compared to the knowledge that he had received from Jesus. I learn something new about Jesus, everyday and in that I learn something new everyday in how I should be living my life.  I thank God.

On this day
2004  - They were putting on the play The Sound of Music at our church.  They do one every November and it is a great professional achievement every year.  The local schools send their students from their drama departments to audition for ours because it is exceptional.  I don't perform but I have a number of times been on the crew that puts on the dinner prior to the Friday and Saturday night performances.  On this day Waynette and I did dinner and were helped by a lot of names that aren't with us anymore.  It is a sweet memory of Jeannette Jobbitt setting tables and serving food.  We will be serving again on Saturday and I'm sure a few of those spirits will hang out in the kitchen with us.

1799 - Andrew Ellicott Douglass witnesses the Leonids meteor shower from a ship off the Florida Keys. This would be a great moment for my friends getting married there this weekend!

I love being this age, it is always something new.  Phil and Judy picked me up to meet Don in Royal Oak to see a movie.  Phil insisted that Don and I had gone to this particular show with them before.  We said we hadn't but he referred to our "forgetful" age.  Half way through the show Judy leaned over and whispered to me "it was Jeff that came here with us".  I was tempted, but said nothing. lol

Book club  The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
Saw the James Bond movie instead of reading yesterday - both are action thrillers.

Kaarina Finland  more history
In the latter half of its independent history, Finland has maintained a mixed economy. Since its post-World War II economic boom in the 1970s, Finland's GDP per capita has been among the world's highest. The expanded welfare state of Finland from 1970 and 1990 increased the public sector employees and spending and the tax burden imposed on the citizens. In 1992, Finland simultaneously faced economic overheating and depressed Western, Russian, and local markets. Finland joined the European Union in 1995, and replaced the Finnish markka with the euro in 2002. According to a 2005 poll, most Finns at that point were reluctant to join NATO.[1]  I found this informative.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Scott!  and Mackenzie!

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