Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15, 2015 Sunday #PrayersforParis

Get Faith
Mark 13:1-13 This speaks of the end times.  "When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed.  Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." The world ends everyday for many people and I think it is horrible what happened in Paris, and I would like revenge.  But, that is not who we are - and the end here is not the end for us who are believers.  Our reward is gained in death. Not so for those who have done this horrific deed and will spend eternity dying everyday. Peace to you in Jesus Christ.

On this day
1975 - I had a dog and cat that were the best of friends.  Ziggy was a West Highland/Cairn terrier mix and Meeche was his best cat friend.  I took them on the boat, in my convertible with the top down and everywhere - together.  I'm sorry I don't have a photo of the two of them to post on facebook today.

1940 - The first 75,000 men were called to Armed Forces duty under peacetime conscription. Is there ever peace time?

My heart goes out to all those who are grieving their loss in France.  I can't help but think of the parents that raised these demons to do their awful deeds and what glory they could possible get from it?  I understand a God that is kind and forgiving but the only leader these follow can only be bad.

Book Club  The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
This is an interesting up to date political mystery.

Kaarina Finland


The Finns were Lutherans but there were two strains that eventually merged to form the modern Finnish church. On the one hand was the high-church emphasis on ritual, with its roots in traditional peasant collective society. Paavo Ruotsalainen (1777–1852) on the other hand was a leader of the new pietism, with its subjectivity, revivalism, emphasis on personal morality, lay participation, and the social gospel. The pietism appealed to the emerging middle class. The Ecclesiastical Law of 1869 combined the two strains. Finland's political and Lutheran leaders considered both Russian Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism to be threats to the emerging nation. Orthodoxy was rejected as a weapon of Russification, while anti-Catholicism was long-standing. Anti-Semitism was also a factor, so the Dissenter Law of 1889 upgraded the status only of the minor Protestant sects.[32]  Appropriate for Sunday reading.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable !  Happy Birthday Megan!  

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