Saturday, November 21, 2015

November 21, 2015 Saturday #amyoga#Godwillprevail#crazyRussians#funnyFinnishmusic

Get Fit
Nothing better than starting the day with AM yoga.  I turn the fireplace on put down my towel and soak up the peace and serenity of a good stretch.  I solved my cat interference by letting him outside first.  Even in the snow today and he didn't want to come in. I'm purring.

Get Faith
Habbakkuk 3:16b  "Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us."  The study suggested Zephaniah 3:14-20.  I accidently read this instead.  Seems an appropriate message.  God's people have been under fire many times over the millenniums, bu we always trust in God to take care of our enemies and He often asks us to help.  Keep your faith in God and know that He will prevail not them.

On this day
1987 My friend Pete's Mom and Grandma bought condos across the hall from each other, then had a spat and didn't talk to each other THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.  Seriously, I was a messenger between them.  On this day I took Nicole over to visit, first one and then the other.  Those Russians are crazy grudge holders.

1987 - An eight-day siege began at a detention center in Oakdale, LA, as Cuban detainees seized the facility and took hostages.  Apparently Cubans have issues as well.

Our pets are family right?  This cat of OURS has had issues this year.  Grandma left in February and Nicole was not home much then went to camp for the summer.  He has bonded, tightly, with me.  But when we went to Scotland for 9 days, well, he left home.  He was gone for 7 days, we found him 2 days after we got back.  He is changed, he was an inside cat, now he prefers out and even today in the snow.  At least he doesn't bite me anymore.  Cat from hell guy where are you?

Book Club  The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins
I finished this book last night.  I would recommend it to anyone that likes mystery reads, less sexy and less graphic violence then a lot of books add.  

Kaarina Finland  music

Composers & Repertoire

The Music Finland Sheet Music Library maintains a large selection of Finnish sheet music and distributes unpublished works by Finnish composers. Focusing on Finnish contemporary music, the collection contains over 40,000 items of vocal, orchestral and chamber music  Or you can go to Crazy Finnish music and see the video!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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