Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
Start out the week with weights.  If you are like me, you sat around and ate too much over the weekend.  I decided I needed my strength back but you might want to ease in with some yoga.  Go!

Get Faith
Matthew 24:37-44  42- Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.  This reminds us that the people in Noah's time were not ready and warns us that we should make sure we are.  Start talking to God now - pray, praise and thank Him.  Even if it doesn't happen in our lifetimes, we will be ready when it does.

On this day
2008 - My buddy, Bob Fitz died.  He was on hospice care at home and I had gone up to spend a last weekend with him.  I left around three the same time I usually left when I went up there to take care of him.  His family called and told me he passed right after I left.

1804 - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase went on trial accused of political bias. He was later acquitted by the U.S. Senate. I'd like to think this doesn't happen, but I would be naive.

On this day at Bob's I had spent the weekend with his grandchildren, on the bed with him and his dog and cat playing games and listening to his beloved Irish music.  The kids were 6 and 8 maybe and chattered away while we played.  His dog Chico and the cat Sinatra (had blue eyes) layed next to him and slept.  Before I left I read to his from his Catholic missive and told him his wife Anne was waiting for him and he should go.  He had been comatose for a few days on heavy doses of pain meds, but I know he heard us.

Book Club - War and Peace by Tolstoy
Too much holiday and partying this weekend to read.  I tried last night but fell asleep.

Kaarina Finland - leaving for Austria


Trip type

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