Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10, 2015 Tuesday #muscles#awesome#beater#Bingo!#lotsolutherans!

Get Fit
Did a little weight lifting today, arms and legs.  I use 5 lb weights and they suggest 3 to 5 circuits of 10 lifts each.  I start out strong but then fade out and maybe get only one of the last few on the legs.  Do what you can, anything is better than not doing it because you can't reach your own expectations.

Get Faith
Lot 38:1-11  This is the Lord grilling Lot on who created the earth and universe.  Our God is so big!  But the best thing He did for you is become a little baby in a manger - born to save us from a future in Hell.  What a wonderful God!

On this day
2001 -  I was in a car snafu.  My boss had leased a car for two of us girls in 1997, so the lease ran out in 2000.  I realized that it was his wife and sons idea to lease the cars for us and they weren't around anymore.  He tried to make up for it by giving me a 20 years old car with a diesel engine and I could fill it with gas in the yard.  Still a good deal right?  Before long my entire garage was covered with soot from the exhaust.  My neighbor had an old Oldsmobile and sold it to me for a song while I tried to conserve $ for my upcoming college expenses for Nicole.  God does provide.

2001 - The musical "Lady Diana - A Smile Charms the World" opened in Germany. Has this been here?  I haven't heard of it.

Mom loves going to Bingo everyday at her assisted living.  Half of the people there can play Bingo, the others are disruptive, only stay if you give them a cookie and are constantly asking "WHAT NUMBER DID YOU CALL?"  Mom looks at me and smiles and says some of the kids here have a hard time.  I thank God for her compassion and understanding.  Life is really a full circle.

Book Club - The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins.
This is a current story with Putin in charge of the Russians.  I see a twist coming.

Kaarina Finland  Older history.
The land area that now makes up Finland was probably settled immediately after the last ice age, which ended in 9000 BCE. Most of the region was a part of the Kingdom of Sweden from the 13th century to 1809, when the vast majority of the Finnish-speaking areas of Sweden were ceded to theRussian Empire (excluding the Finnish-speaking areas of the modern-day Northern Sweden), making this area the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland. The Lutheran religion dominated. Finnish nationalism emerged, focused on Finnish cultural traditions, including music and—especially—the highly distinctive language and lyrics associated with it. The catastrophic Finnish famine of 1866–1868 was followed by eased economic regulations and extensive emigration.  Old country!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Reba! Tim and Janet!  

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